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单片机滚动液晶电子钟设计源代码 第4页

更新时间:2012-8-4:  来源:毕业论文
***** Utility Routines *****

INT calc_chkerror (LONG num)
// Check upper and lower bounds for the display.
// i.e. 99999999 and -99999999.
 { if ((num >= -999999论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/  9) && (num <= 9999999))
      return OK;本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯324.9114
      return ERROR;

VOID calc_output (INT status)
// Output according to the status of the operation.
// *Sleep* is used for the first op press after a full cancel
// or on startup. 
 { switch (status)
      { case OK      : calc_display(calc_decascii(lvalue));    break;
        case SLEEP   :                                         break;
  case ERROR   : calc_display("Exception ");      break; 
        default      : calc_display("Exception ");         break;

LONG calc_asciidec (CHAR *buffer)
// Convert the ASCII string into the floating point number.
 { LONG data value;
   LONG data digit;
   value = 0;
   while (*buffer != ' ')
      { digit = *buffer - 48;
     value = value*10 + digit;
   return value;

CHAR *calc_decascii (LONG num)
// A rather messy function to convert a floating
// point number into an ASCII string.
 { LONG data temp = num;
   CHAR xdata *arrayptr = &outputbuffer[MAX_DISPLAY_CHAR];
   LONG data divisor = 10;本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯32,49114
   LONG data result;
   CHAR data remainder,asciival;
   INT  data i;
   // If the result of the calculation is zero
   // insert a zero in the buffer and finish.
   if (!temp)
      { *arrayptr = 48;
     goto done;

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