#include <intrins.h>
#include <reg51.h>
#include "calc.h"
static data LONG lvalue;
static data LONG rvalue;
static data CHAR currtoken;
static data CHAR lasttoken;
static data CHAR lastpress;
static xdata CHAR outputbuffer[MAX_DISPLAY_CHAR];
VOID main (VOID)
//Initialise our variables and call the
//Assembly routine to initialise the LCD display.
{ lvalue = 0;
rvalue = 0;
currtoken = '=';
lasttoken = '0';
initialise(); // Initialize the LCD
VOID calc_evaluate()
{ CHAR data key;
INT data i;
CHAR xdata number[MAX_DISPLAY_CHAR];
CHAR xdata *bufferptr;
// Clear the buffer before we start.
for (i = 0; i <= MAX_DISPLAY_CHAR; i++)
{ number[i] = ' ';
bufferptr = n论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/ umber;
for (;;)
{ key = calc_getkey();
if (calc_testkey(key))
// Key test positive for digit so we read it into the
// buffer and then write the buffer to the screen/LCD.
// Size limit the number of digits - allow for termination
// and possible negative results.
{ if (bufferptr != &number[MAX_DISPLAY_CHAR - 2])
{ *bufferptr = key;
// Key is an operator so pass it to the function handlers.
// If we are just after startup or cancel then assign to lvalue
// otherwise assign to rvalue.2514