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更新时间:2010-11-21:  来源:毕业论文

3. 文学网站中将对书籍的一些进货出货的信息进行录入并且查询,还有书籍的编号及位置的查询修改;
c.原始依据(包括设计或论文的工作基础、研究条件、应用环境、工作目的等)工作基础: 此系统是应用性很强的管理系统。可以提高对书籍,读者,售书籍,文学网站的管理,以及信息的录入,查询,将提高访客及工作人员的工作效率,提高对网站的管理,对资料管理的整体工作效率,提高效率。
操作系统: 该软件运行在Windows98中文版或Windows2000/XP/或server2000 /sever2003中文版或vista。
数据库选择:SQL SERVER.Oracle或VFP
开发平台:  eclipse 、Tomcat
As information technology in the management of an increasing depth and a wide range of applications, on-line library information system has been gradually implemented technically mature. Web information systems is a continuous development of new disciplines, all over the world to each other more closely, it is necessary to make more efficient organization of the cultural exchange with the organic, it is necessary to strengthen the network of the benefits that strengthen the cultural line resources (human, financial, material, etc.) effective management of the establishment of its own characteristics and to adapt the management of information systems.
This paper introduces the database management system (DBMS) of the basic concepts and relationships model. The source of the problem and then conduct an in-depth analysis, pointed out that visitors book online, on-line literary exchange and in different places is a major source of the problem and pointed out that the data management system for the practical function of the literary Web site development, online data processing to improve efficiency, avoid manual data processing, heavy workload, the drawbacks of the high error rate. Analysis of needs followed by detailed analysis, in particular books on the Internet browser and Web site managers to carry out the distribution of authority between the two persons. Then the system analysis of functional modules, pointing out that the main function of the system is divided into "online book browsing" modules, "Browse Users" module, "the background to comment on books and handling" module. In general, this literature site systems, introduced the system of structural and functional characteristics, the use of principles and methods, the system of the landing system, library management, web publishing deals with the exchange of goods and all kinds of information before and after the cross-Taiwan functions. With this site so that library management system on the work of a lot easier to make online book library management formed an integral automatic management mode.
Keywords: Web Literature systems, Browser/Server structure, ASP.NET, DBMS
摘  要原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论~文^网
前 言 1
第一章 系统需求分析 2
1.1问题来源 2
1.2现行系统存在问题的分析 3
1.3解决方案 3
第二章 可行性分析 4
2.1经济性 4
2.2技术性 4
第三章 系统总体结构设计 5
3.1 系统目标设计 5
3.2 系统功能分析 5
3.3系统各功能模块设计 6
3.3.1 基础信息文护 6
3.3.2 用户管理 7
3.3.3 书籍管理 8
    3.3.4  书籍评论管理-12
第四章 数据库设计 10
4.1数据库需求分析 10
4.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 12
第五章 详细设计 16
5.1程序运行结果 16
第优章 系统文护和改进 23
6.1 运行文护 23
6.2 系统的改进与提高 23
结论 24
谢 辞 25
参考文献 26,1671

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