论文对整个系统的分析、本文来自优*文.论-文|网设计和实现做了详细的描述。本系统以C/S为结构模式,客户端采用Visual Basic 6.0作为开发工具,后台数据库管理系统采用Access。系统实现了家庭软件管理、家庭信息管理、家庭娱乐管理、网络服务管理和家庭财务管理等五大功能模块,各模块功能独立,趣味性高,还发挥了excel表的强大功能,对家庭收支簿信息进行记录并汇总统计,可用直观地方式反映家庭的资金收支情况。系统操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用。该系统已经投入实验家庭进行使用,随着功能的逐步完善,系统的推广很有应用前景。
关键词:信息管理系统,家庭事务,C/S,Visual basic 6.0
Family Affairs Management SystemABSTRACT
Family affairs are striking deep roots in the hearts of the people. Modern affairs management can provide sufficient information to the administrator who manages a complicated affairs, it is also convenient for home managers to manage the affair 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.comBasic6.0 as a development tool.
Papers on the entire system analysis, design and implementation a detailed description. The system is based on the structural pattern of C/S. The system has the features of practical and reliable and an interface amity and operate convenient and safety. In the implementation phase of database management systems as Access, client program make use of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to design with strong UI ability, Good network and the database support, effective multimedia and graphics operation and great flexible. The module has functional autonomy and so Interesting, at the same time, it develop the powerful function of excel and establish Family payments book, and reflecting the families of the fund balance directly according to making a record and summary statistics. Finally it integrated a household-related business platform to deal the home affairs in scientific way. The system has been used in family. With the system has improved step by step, it can have a bright prospect.
Keywords: Information Management System, Family Services, C / S, Visual Basic6.0
目 录
1 用户需求分析 1
1.1用户调查 1
1.2用户需求分析 1
1.2.1家庭软件的需求概述及实现方法 1
1.2.2家庭信息的需求概述及实现方法 1
1.2.3家庭娱乐的需求概述及实现方法 1
1.2.4网络服务的需求概述及实现方法 2
1.2.5家庭财务的需求概述及实现方法 2
1.3模块描述 2
1.4性能需求 3
1.5运行需求 3
2 系统分析 4
2.1系统开发过程 4
2.2系统功能分析 4
2.3业务流程图 5
3 系统设计 7
3.1系统总体设计 7
3.2系统详细设计 8
3.2.1详细设计的任务 8
3.2.2详细设计的方法 9
3.3创建窗体对象和应用程序对象 10
3.3.1创建窗体对象 10
3.3.2创建应用程序对象 10
3.4物理结构设计 11
3.5接口设计 16
3.5.1外部接口 16
3.5.2内部接口 16
3.6 UI界面设计 16
3.6.1系统登陆界面设计 16
3.6.2系统界面设计 17
3.7 I/O设计 24
3.7.1输出设计 24
3.7.2 输入设计 24
3.7.3 IPO图 24
3.8开发及运行环境的选择 25
4 系统测试运行 26
4.1系统的功能测试 26
4.2系统的运行和文护 26
总 结 28
参考文献 29
附 录 30
谢 辞 1441