目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 论文研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 IPv6在国内外的发展 2
1.3 课题研究的主要内容 3
第二章 IPv6网络协议 5
2.1 IPv4存在的典型问题 5
2.2 IPv6的技术特点和优势 6
2.2.1 IPv6的报头格式 7
2.2.2 IPv6的地址方案 9
第三章 IPv6过渡技术 14
3.1 过渡的基本方案 14
3.2 双协议栈 15
3.3 隧道技术 17
3.3.1 配置型隧道 18
3.3.2 自动型隧道 19
3.4 网络地址转换/协议转换技术(NAT-PT) 22
第四章 校园IPv6网络过渡策略 24
4.1 过渡时期网络更新原则 24
4.2 校园网IPv6的过渡方案 24
4.2.1 新建IPv6校园网的实现 26
4.2.2 部分新建IPv6校园网的实现 27
4.2.3 旧校园IPv6网的实现 28
第五章 前景与展望 30
5.1 IPv6的应用前景 30
5.2 IPv6的应用展望 30
结束语 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 34Abstract
With the development of Internet,Internet based on IPv4 has exposed much disadvantage in practical application,such as the address space exhausting day by day, service quality,net security,etc.These questions restrict the development of Internet badly,and these questions are solved completely and effectively only through the construction of next generation Internet,so IPv6 has arisen.As the next edition of Internet protocol,IPv6 replacing IPv4 becomes inevitably trend of technology,the new characteristic of IPv6 protocol will offer broader prospect and perfect wupport for application and 毕业论文http://www.Lwfree.cn/ 论文网http://www.Lwfree.com/,because of the difference of head characteristic and address format,they are unable to be totally compatible.It must be solved how to transit to IPv6 gradually and smoothly,as the next Internet Protocol,IPv6 have already got much application in Internet,but a lot of questions must be improved and perfected,the complete transition from IPv4 to IPv6 need very long time still,different network structure will have one’s own transition policy too.
In this paper, combining the research and significance of the background to understand the importance of this issue, Then through analyzing the basic principles of IPv6, network architecture, technology transition. For the IPv6 protocol characteristics, the analysis of three transitional technology, and predicts its development prospects. The paper concludes that the transition to IPv6 campus network strategy.
Keywords:IPv4;IPv6;Transition Technologies;Campus Network. 摘要
本文首先结合论文研究的背景及意义来了解本次课题的重要性,接着通过分析IPv6的基本原理、网络体系结构、过渡技术。针对IPv6协议的特点,分析了三种过渡技术,并展望了其发展前景。本文最后提出校园网过渡到IPv6的策略。关键字:IPv4;IPv6;过渡技术;校园网。 1334
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