vb农历公历转换系统设计 第8页

vb农历公历转换系统设计 第8页
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer4_Timer()
    Dim hei, w, h
    tiAo = True
 If Form1.Height > 5065 Then
    Timer4.Enabled = False
   Form1.Height = Form1.Height + 50
    hei = ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels) - Picture4.Height ', vbTwips, vbPixels)
    Picture4.Top = hei  ' Picture4.Top + 1
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer5_Timer()
    Dim hei, w, h
    jiSuan = True
 If Form1.Height >= 6225 Then
    Timer5.Enabled = False
    hei = Int(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) - Picture5.Height ', vbTwips, vbPixels)
    Label3.Caption = Str(Picture5.Height) & Str(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) & " " & Str(hei)
    Picture5.Top = hei '- 70 ' Picture4.Top + 1
    Form1.Height = Form1.Height + 50
    hei = Int(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) - Picture5.Height ', vbTwips, vbPixels)
    Label3.Caption = Str(Picture5.Height) & Str(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) & " " & Str(hei)
    Picture5.Top = hei '- 70 ' Picture4.Top + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer6_Timer()
    Dim hei
   Pt.Visible = False
  jiSuan = False
    Form1.Height = Form1.Height - 50
    hei = Int(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels) - Picture5.Height) ', vbTwips, vbPixels))
   Label3.Caption = Str(Picture5.Height) & Str(ScaleY(Form1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)) & " " & Str(hei)
  Picture5.Top = hei '- 70
If Form1.Height < 2745 Then
    Timer6.Enabled = False
    Label4.Enabled = True
    cmdT.Enabled = True
 End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer7_Timer()
  If S_mem <> 0 Then
   ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 16, 1, -1
   ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 17, 1, -1
  End If
If tip > 0 Then
tip = tip + 1
End If
If tip > 2 Then
  tip = -1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtDisp_Change()
  Dim deLc As String, i As Integer, kL As Integer
  For i = 24 To 14 Step -1
         If (i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) > 0 Then
           deLc = Mid(txtDisp.Text, i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)), 1)
           Label3.Caption = Str(Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)))
           deLc = ""
         End If
     Select Case deLc
       Case "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"
            kL = Val(deLc)
               ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, kL, 1, i - 9
       Case "."
               ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 11, 1, i - 9
       Case "E"
               ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 13, 1, i - 9
       Case "+"
               ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 14, 1, i - 9
       Case "-"
               ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 15, 1, i - 9
       Case Else
               ShowNumC2 wPw1(1), Pt, 12, 1, i - 9
     End Select
  Next i
  For i = 13 To 1 Step -1
         If (i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) > 0 Then
           deLc = Mid(txtDisp.Text, i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)), 1)
           Label3.Caption = Str(Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)))
           deLc = " "
         End If
     Select Case deLc
       Case "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"
            kL = Val(deLc)
               ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, kL, 1, i
       Case "."
               ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 11, 1, i
       Case "E"
               ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 13, 1, i
       Case "+"
               ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 14, 1, i
       Case "-"
               ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 15, 1, i
       Case Else
               ShowNumC wPw1(1), Pt, 12, 1, i
     End Select
  Next i
  For i = 24 To 1 Step -1
         If (i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text))) > 0 Then
           deLc = Mid(txtDisp.Text, i - 23 + Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)), 1)
           Label3.Caption = Str(Len(Trim(txtDisp.Text)))
           deLc = " "
         End If
     Select Case deLc
       Case "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"
            kL = Val(deLc)
               ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, kL + 1, 1, i
       Case "."
               ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 14, 1, i
       Case "E"
               ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 12, 1, i
       Case "+"
               ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 13, 1, i
       Case "-"
               ShowNumSam wPw2(1), Pt, 15, 1, i

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