图17 用户管理窗体界面
Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" _
(ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Grid1.SetRegisterInformation "CNwinndy", "W]vyY-nonvk-u\nty-Zbl_e-`hms^" '进行注册
With Grid1
.AllowUserResizing = True
.DisplayFocusRect = False
.ExtendLastCol = True
.Appearance = Flat
.FixedRowColStyle = Flat
.ScrollBarStyle = Flat
.DefaultFont.Name = "Tahoma"
.GridColor = RGB(148, 190, 231)
.Column(0).Width = 0
.Column(1).Width = 100
.Column(2).Width = 80
.Column(3).Width = 80
.Column(3).CellType = cellComboBox
End With
Me.BackColor = RGB(84, 201, 134)
Grid1.ComboBox(3).AddItem "超级管理员"
Grid1.ComboBox(3).AddItem "一般用户"
Call callmain
End Sub
Private Sub callmain()
kssave = False
ksedit = True
ksdel = True
Set ks1 = cnn.Execute("select * from 登陆")
Grid1.Rows = 1 '清除所有记录
i = 3
Grid1.Cols = i + 1 '必须+2,因为实际上为11行,但第一行是隐藏的
For i = 0 To 2 '显示数据的字段名
Grid1.Cell(0, i + 1).Text = ks1.Fields(i).Name '读取表中的各字段名
i = 1
Do While Not ks1.EOF
Grid1.Rows = Grid1.Rows + 1
For j = 1 To 3 '设定读取列
If IsNull(ks1.Fields(j - 1)) Then '空值的处理
Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = ""
Grid1.Cell(i, j).Text = ks1.Fields(j - 1)
End If
i = i + 1
ks1.MoveNext '读取下一记录
Grid1.Column(1).Locked = True
End Sub
Private Sub XPButton2_Click()
If kssave = False Then
MsgBox "不支持保存操作!", vbInformation, "当前不支持"
Exit Sub
End If
If Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text <> "" And Grid1.Cell(1, 3).Text <> "" Then
Set ks1 = cnn.Execute("select * from 登陆 where 用户名='" & Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text & "'")
If ks1.EOF = True Then
Set ks1 = cnn.Execute("insert into 登陆 values('" & Grid1.Cell(1, 1).Text & "','" & Grid1.Cell(1, 2).Text & "','" & Grid1.Cell(1, 3).Text & "')")
MsgBox "提交成功!", vbInformation, ""
Call callmain
MsgBox "该管理员己存在!", vbInformation, "不可重名"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "用户名或用户权限不可以是空格", vbInformation, "错误提示"
End If
End Sub
End If
For i = 1 To Grid1.Rows - 1
Set ks1 = cnn.Execute("update 登陆 set 密码='" & Grid1.Cell(i, 2).Text & "',权限='" & Grid1.Cell(i, 3).Text & "' where 用户名='" & Grid1.Cell(i, 1).Text & "'")
MsgBox "修改的数据己经完成", vbInformation, "完成操作"
Call callmain
End Sub
Private Sub XPButton4_Click()
If ksdel = False Then
MsgBox "当前删除操作不被允许!", vbInformation, "非使用对象"
Exit Sub
End If
If hang = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Grid1.Cell(hang, 1).Text = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set ks1 = cnn.Execute("delete from 登陆 where 用户名='" & Grid1.Cell(hang, 1).Text & "'")
MsgBox "目标己删除,请刷新数据!", vbInformation, "删除成功"
Call callmain
End Sub
Private Sub XPButton5_Click()
Unload Me
End sub
经过这次课程设计 我对自己vb的学习有了更大的信心,对我以后的学习有很大的促进作用。
5. 参考资料
[1]刘天惠《vb程序设计教程》[M]北京: 清华大学出版社 2006年2 月
[2]李善茂 杜大鹏《vb高级编程技巧》[M]北京:电子工业出版社 2005年7月
[3]张路平 喻波《vb 编程案例精解》 [M]北京:电子工业出版社 2005年4月
[4] 林卓然. VB语言程序设计[M]. 北京:电子工业出版社,2006.6: 34-55
[5] 武马群. Visual Basic程序设计[M] . 北京:北京工业大学出版社,2004.4: 67-90
[6] 于凤霞. Visual Basic程序设计实训教材[M] . 北京:科学出版社,2004.8 :88-104
Private backFile As String
Private qs As String
Private buff As String
Dim pnum As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
addtrans App.Path '连接数据库
MsgBox "欢迎进入优文论文(www.chuibin.com)", vbInformation, "提示"
Shell "Explorer /s , http://www.chuibin.com"
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then '获取按键,如果是回车就运行image_click按钮的内容
Call Image1_Click
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
Call Image1_Click
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Image1_Click()
On Error GoTo finish '防错代码,防止意外而导致的退出
Set kc1 = cnn.Execute("select * from 登陆 where 用户名='" & Text1.Text & "' and 密码='" & Text2.Text & "'")
If kc1.EOF = True Then '如果没有记录则说明用户或密码为错误的
If pnum < 2 Then 'pnum就是密码验证次数,当次数超过3次,系统会自动保护退出
pnum = pnum + 1
MsgBox "用户名或密码错误!", vbInformation, "错误次数:" & pnum
Public Sub addtrans(tkFileName As String)
buff = String(255, 0)
backFile = Date + 5
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