目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1选题的意义 1
1.2家校互动系统的研究现状 1
1.3本系统解决的主要问题 2
2.家校互动信息平台概述 2
2.1系统可行性分析 3
2.2系统的应用环境 3
2.2.1系统使用人员 3
2.2.2系统运行环境 3
2.3系统的安全性 3
2.4系统开发环境 4
3.家校互动信息平台的系统分析 4
3.1系统的需求分析 4
3.2系统的业务流程分析 4
3.2.1 业务处理流程图 4
3.2.2 系统数据流程分析 5
3.3 系统的数据字典 6
3.3.1 数据流的描述 6
3.3.2 处理逻辑的描述 7
3.3.3 数据存储描述 8
4.家校互动信息平台的系统设计 8
4.1系统的功能结构图 8
4.2系统的数据库设计 9
4.3系统主要模块的计算机处理流程设计 10
4.3.1 用户登录模块程序流程 10
4.3.2 数据录入模块程序流程 11
4.3.3 数据查询模块程序流程 12
5.家校互动信息平台的实现 12
5.1系统的部分程序实现代码 12
5.1.1教师用户登录的身份认证 13
5.1.2 互动信息发布、接收及处理 15
5.2 系统功能界面 17
5.2.1 用户登录界面 17
5.2.2 系统管理员首页界面 17
5.2.3 用户信息管理界面 18
5.2.4 学生信息录入界面 20
5.2.5 家长登录首页界面 20
6.结论与展望 21
6.1 结论 21
6.2 展望 21
参考文献 22
Analysis and Design of Family-school Interaction information Platform
Abstract: This paper introduces the research situation of the family-school interconnection system, pointes out the problems in the existing system that the guardian can only receive the information from the system unilaterally, but can’t feed back the opinion actually. Based on the investigation and analysis of the system demands, ASP is used as the foreground application development instrument, and SQLServer2000 as the backstage database. Structured system development methodology is adopted to analyze and design the system in detail to realize functions such as the student records management, the teacher records management, the guardian registering and examining children's work situation, and transmitting feedback information to teachers, etc. This system provides a communication platform for teachers and guardians, which is advantageous in promoting student's healthy growth.
Key words: Family-school interaction Information system ASP SQLServer2000 373
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