data segment
full db 0
buff1 db ' Welcome you to run this programme!'
db ' '
db ' *****Please press any key*****$'
buff2 db ' My heart beats with yours!'
db ' ***** Please q to quit *****$'
data ends
code segment
main proc far
assume cs:code,ds:data
push ds
sub ax,ax
push ax
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ah,00
mov al,04
int 10h
mov ah,0bh
mov bh,00
mov bl,1
int 10h
mov ah,0bh
mov bh,1
mov bl,2
int 10h
mov dx,offset buff1 ;显示提示信息
mov ah,09
int 21h
mov ah,08
int 21h
call clear ;cls
call text ;display the text
mov di,2
mov al,1 ;draw the big box
mov cx,70
mov dx,20
mov bx,160
call box
mov cx,71
mov dx,21
mov bx,158
mov al,1
mov di,0
call box
call delay
mov al,0
mov di,0
call box
inc cx
inc dx
sub bx,2
cmp cx,94
jnz again
mov di,0 ;draw the 2nd box
mov cx,95
mov dx,45
mov al,1
mov bx,110
call box
mov cx,96
mov dx,46
mov bx,108
mov al,1
mov di,0
call box
call delay
call delay
mov al,0
mov di,0
call box
inc cx
inc dx
sub bx,2
cmp cx,114
jnz again_00
mov cx,115 ;draw the 3rd box
mov dx,65
mov al,1
mov bx,70
call box
mov cx,116
mov dx,66
mov bx,68
mov al,1
mov di,0
call box
call delay
call delay
mov al,0
mov di,0
call box
inc cx
inc dx
sub bx,2
cmp cx,129
jnz again_01
mov di,2
mov al,1 ;draw the small box
mov cx,130
mov dx,80
mov bx,40
call box
mov di,2
mov al,3 ;对角线
mov si,0
mov cx,71
mov dx,21
mov bx,59
call xie_line
mov cx,171
mov dx,121
mov bx,59
call xie_line
mov si,1
mov cx,71
mov dx,179
mov bx,59
call xie_line
mov cx,171
mov dx,79
mov bx,59
call xie_line
mov cx,150 ;十字线
mov dx,20
mov si,0
mov bx,60
call draw_line
mov cx,150
mov dx,120
mov bx,60
call draw_line
mov cx,70
mov dx,100
mov si,1
mov bx,60
call draw_line
mov cx,170
mov dx,100
mov bx,60
call draw_line
mov si,1
mov cx,70
mov dx,60
mov bx,60
call mid_line
mov cx,170
mov dx,110
mov bx,60
call mid_line
mov si,2
mov cx,110
mov dx,20
mov bx,30
call mid_line
mov cx,160
mov dx,120
mov bx,30
call mid_line
mov si,3
mov cx,70
mov dx,140
mov bx,60
call mid_line
mov cx,170
mov dx,90
mov bx,60
call mid_line
mov si,4
mov cx,110
mov dx,180
mov bx,30
call mid_line
mov cx,160
mov dx,80
mov bx,30
call mid_line
mov di,0
mov al,1 ;draw the big box again
mov cx,70
mov dx,20
mov bx,160
call box
mov di,0
mov al,1 ;draw the small box again
mov cx,130
mov dx,80
mov bx,40
call box
mov di,0
mov cx,95
mov dx,45
mov al,1
mov bx,110
call box
mov cx,115
mov dx,65
mov al,1
mov bx,70
call box
mov di,1 ;fill
call fill
call fill_2
call fill_3
mov cx,149 ;bold
mov dx,120
mov al,2
mov bx,60
mov si,0
call draw_line
mov cx,151
mov dx,120
mov al,2
mov bx,60
mov si,0
call draw_line
heart_: ;draw the heart
call cls_box
call heart
mov ah,08
int 21h
cmp al,'q'
jz ok
cmp al,20h
jz heart_
call clear
jmp sss
main endp
fill proc near ;the procedure of fill
mov full,0
mov al,5
mov cx,160
mov dx,121
mov si,0
mov bx,60
push cx
push dx
push bx
call draw_line
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
sub bx,2
inc cx
add dx,2
inc full
cmp full,30
jne fill_y
fill endp
fill_2 proc near
mov full,0
mov al,5
mov cx,140
mov dx,121
mov si,0
mov bx,60
push cx
push dx
push bx
call draw_line
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
sub bx,2
dec cx
add dx,2
inc full
cmp full,30
jne fill_y1
fill_2 endp
fill_3 proc near
mov al,1
mov full,0
mov si,0
mov cx,140
mov dx,121
mov bx,60
push bx
push cx
push dx
call draw_line
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
inc cx
inc full
cmp full,9
jne re_fill
mov full,0
mov cx,159
mov dx,121
mov bx,60
push bx
push cx
push dx
call draw_line
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
dec cx
inc full
cmp full,9
jne re_fill2
fill_3 endp
draw_Line proc near ;the procedure of draw a line