data segment
str db 20
db 50h,7,0,0
db 6ch,7,0,1
db 65h,7,0,1
db 61h,7,0,1
db 73h,7,0,1
db 65h, 7,0,1
db 70h,7,1,-10
db 72h,7,0,1
db 65h,7,0,1
db 73h,7,0,1
db 73h,7,0,1
db 53h,7,0,2
db 6bh,7,0,2
db 65h,7,0,1
db 79h,7,0,1
db 65h,7,0,2
db 78h,7,0,1
db 69h,7,0,1
db 74h,7,0,1
db 21h,7,0,1
s0 db 6
db 5fh,7,0,0
db 7ch,7,1,-1
db 7ch,7,1,0
db 5fh,7,0,1
db 7ch,7,0,1
db 7ch,7,-1,0
sy db 2
db 7ch,7,1,0
db 7ch,7,1,0
s2 db 5
db 5fh,7,0,0
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
db 7ch,7,1,-1
db 5fh,7,0,1
s3 db 5
db 5fh,7,0,0
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
s4 db 4
db 7ch,7,1,0
db 5fh,7,0,1
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 7ch,7,-1,0
s5 db 5
db 5fh,7,0,0
db 7ch,7,1,-1
db 5fh,7,0,1
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
s6 db 6
db 5fh,7,0,0
db 7ch,7,1,-1
db 5fh,7,0,1
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
db 7ch,7,0,-1
s7 db 3
db 5fh,7,0,0
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 7ch,7,1,0
s8 db 7
db 7ch,7,1,0
db 5fh,7,-1,1
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
db 7ch,7,0,-1
s9 db 6
db 7ch,7,1,0
db 5fh,7,-1,1
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
db 7ch,7,1,1
db 5fh,7,0,-1
s11 db 2
db 03h,7,1,0
db 03h,7,1,0
data ends
stack segment
db 200 dup (0)
stack ends
code segment
assume cs:code,ss:stack,ds:data
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ah,0 ;设置显示方式
mov al,4
int 10h
mov ah,0bh ;置彩色调板
mov bh,0
mov bl,1
int 10h
mov ah,0bh ;置彩色调板
mov bh,1
mov bl,4
int 10h
mov ah,2 ;取系统时间
int 1ah
mov ax,0
mov bx,0
mov ah,ch ;取系统时间
mov al,cl ;保存分钟
mov bh,dh ;保存秒
mov bl,dl ;保存百分之一秒
push ax
push bx
mov ah,0
mov al,4
int 10h
mov ah,0bh
mov bh,0
mov bl,1
int 10h
mov ah,0bh
mov bh,1
mov bl,4
int 10h
MOV AH,1 ;读键盘缓冲区字符
INT 16h
JZ ww
MOV AH,8 ;从键盘输入字符
INT 21h
CMP AL,'s' ;输入s,结束程序
JE tu
ww: pop bx
pop ax
call xian ;调用显示子程序
push ax
qu: mov ah,2 ;取系统时间
int 1ah
cmp bh,dh
je qu
pop ax
inc bh ;对时间进行加1
cmp bh,100
jl tt
mov bh,0
inc al
call beep
cmp al,100
jl tt
mov al,0
inc ah
cmp ah,24
jl tt
mov ah,0
jmp tt
tu: mov ah,4ch
int 21h
xian proc ;对时间值进行处理并显示的子程序
push si
push di
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
pop ax
push ax
mov bx,ax
mov ax,0
mov al,bh
mov cl,4
shr al,cl
mov bl,al
mov dh,10
mov dl,2
call ff
pop ax
push ax
mov bx,ax
mov ax,0
mov al, bh
and al,0fh
mov bl,al
mov dh,10
mov dl,6
call ff
mov dh,10
mov dl,10
mov bl,10
call ff
pop ax
push ax
mov cl,4
shr al,cl
mov bl,al
mov dh,10
mov dl,14
call ff
pop ax
push ax
and al ,0fh
mov bl,al
mov dh,10
mov dl,18
call ff
mov dh,10
mov dl,22
mov bl,10
call ff
pop ax
pop bx
push bx
push ax
mov ax,0
mov al,bh
mov cl,4
shr al,cl
mov bl,al
mov dh,10
mov dl,26
call ff
pop ax
pop bx
push bx
push ax
mov al,bh
and al,0fh
mov bl,al
mov dh,10
mov dl,30
call ff
mov dh,0
mov dl,15
mov bl,22
call ff
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop di
pop si
xian endp
ff proc ;显示具体数值
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
cmp bl,0
je l0
cmp bl,1
je l1
cmp bl,2
je l2
cmp bl,3
je l3
cmp bl,4
je l4
cmp bl,5
je l5
cmp bl,6
je l6
cmp bl,7
je l7
cmp bl,8
je l8
cmp bl,9
je l9
cmp bl,10
je l10
cmp bl,22
je ld
l0: lea di,s0
jmp ty
l1 : lea di,sy
jmp ty
l2: lea di,s2
jmp ty
l3: lea di,s3
jmp ty
l4: lea di,s4
jmp ty
l5: lea di,s5
jmp ty
l6: lea di,s6
jmp ty
l7: lea di,s7
jmp ty
l8: lea di,s8
jmp ty
l9: lea di,s9
jmp ty
l10: lea di,s11
jmp ty
ld : lea di,str
ty: mov ah,0fh ;示方式
int 10h
sub cx,cx
mov cl,[di]
inc di
plot_next: add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
add di,4
loop plot_next
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov cx,100
gg: dec cx
loop gg
ff endp
clear proc
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,6
mov al,0
mov bh,1
int 10h
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
clear endp
beep proc
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov al ,10110110b
out 43h,al
mov ax,533h
out 42h,al
mov al,ah
out 42h,al
in al,61h
mov ah,al
or al,03
out 61h,al
sub cx,cx
mov bl,28h
g7: loop g7
dec bl
jnz g7
mov al,ah
out 61h,al
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
beep endp
code ends
end start