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更新时间:2016-11-11:  来源:毕业论文

年产10万吨乙烯氧化制环氧乙烷工艺设计 环氧乙烷是一种非常重要的精细化工原料,能够衍生出乙二醇、非离子表面活性剂、乙醇胺、乙二醇醚等多种精细化工产品,进而可以延伸生产合成洗涤剂、乳化剂、抗冻剂、增塑剂、润滑剂、杀虫剂、熏蒸剂等四五千种产品,应用领域极其广泛。环氧乙烷主要用于制造乙二醇(制涤纶纤文原料)、合成洗涤剂、非离子表面活性剂、抗冻剂、乳化剂以及缩乙二醇类产品,也用于生产增塑剂、润滑剂、橡胶和塑料等。广泛应用于洗染、电子、医药、农药、纺织、造纸、汽车、石油开采与炼制等众多领域
关键词: 乙烯;氧化;环氧乙烷;
A Process Design for 100,000 Tons of
Ethylene oxidation of ethylene oxide Per Year
Instruction manual:
Ethylene oxide is a kind of very important fine chemical raw material, can be derived from ethylene glycol, non-ionic surface active agent, ethanolamine, ethylene glycol ether and other fine chemical products, and can extend the production of synthetic detergent, emulsifier, anti-freeze agent, plasticizer, lubricant, insecticides, fumigants and other four thousand or five thousand kinds of products, application field extremely extensive. Ethylene oxide is mainly used in the manufacture of ethylene glycol (for polyester fiber raw material), synthetic detergent, non-ionic surface active agent, anti-freeze agent, emulsifier and glycol acetal products, is also used in the production of plasticizer, lubricant, rubber and plastic etc.. Widely used in many fields, electronic, pharmaceutical, pesticide, dye, textile, papermaking, automobile, oil exploration and refining.
Along with the chemical industry fast development, the chemical product already the omnipresent there is no place did not have. Therefore the chemical design duty is more and more heavy. In the chemical production, through transporting chemical industry design aspect knowledge and the method, may realize to the chemical factory (workshop) rebuilding and extension, carries on the productivity to the unit operation equipment or the entire installment to demarcate with the technology economic indicator evaluates; carries on the appraisal to the technical process; discovers the weak link and unreasonable phenomenon as well as excavation productive potential and so on.
    In this article, the way of the Ethylene oxidation of ethylene oxide  for a comprehensive design process. The chemical process design including process, layout, piping, process design calculations, the material balance and heat balance. As well as process mapping and simple mapping layout and its main reactor equipment calculated design selection. In addition to its support facilities, such as the condenser, the heat pump and selection.
Key words: Ethylene; oxide; ethylene oxide;
目  录
1 概述 1
1.1环氧乙烷生产工艺及设计意义 1
  1.1.1 环氧乙烷简介 2
  1.1.2 环氧乙烷生产现状 2
1.2 环氧乙烷供需现状及市场前景 3
  1.2.1 全球环氧乙烷供需现状及市场前景 3
  1.2.2我国环氧乙烷供需现状及市场前景 5
1.3 环氧乙烷的性质 5
  1.3.1 环氧乙烷的产品质量指标 5
  1.3.2 环氧乙烷的性质 5
1.4 环氧乙烷的生产目的 8
1.5 环氧乙烷的生产方法 9
  1.5.1氯醇法 9
1.5.2乙烯直接氧化法 9
1.6 反应机理 10
  1.6.1氯醇法 10
1.6.2乙烯直接氧化法 11
1.7 催化剂的选择 12
1.8 反应器及混合气的选择 12
1.9影响因素(反应条件)的分析 13
2 工艺流程设计 15
2.1 工艺路线及其基本原理 15
2.1.1 工艺流程图 15
  2.1.2 工艺流程说明 15
2.2 氧化反应部分说明 16
2.3环氧乙烷吸收与解析 18
3工艺计算 20
3.1物料衡算 20
  3.1.1 基本数据 20
  3.1.2 反应原理 21
  3.1.3 反应器的物料衡算 22
3.2热量衡算 25
  3.2.1反应器的热量衡算 25
  3.2.2 气体的热量衡算 27
4 主要设备设计 30
4.1 反应器的设计 30
  4.1.1 氧化反应器的基本尺寸 30
  4.1.2床层压力的计算 30
  4.1.3传热面积的计算 31
4.1.4反应器塔径的确定 32
4.1.5筒体壁厚计算 33
4.2精馏塔的工艺条件及有关数据的计算 34
  4.2.1操作压力计算 34
  4.2.2操作温度计算 35
4.2.3平均摩尔质量计算 35
  4.2.4平均密度计算 36
4.2.5塔径的计算 37
  4.2.6有效高度计算 39
4.2.7塔板布置 39
  4.2.8开孔区面积计算 40
4.2.9阀孔计算及排列 40
4.3塔板的流体力学验证 41
4.3.1精馏段塔板压降 41
4.3.2液沫夹带及泛点率 41
4.3.3提馏段塔板压降 42
4.3.4液沫夹带及泛点率 42
4.4塔板负荷性能图 43
4.4.1精馏段漏液线 43
4.4.2液沫夹带线 44
4.4.3液泛线 44
4.4.4提馏段漏液线 47
4.4.5液沫夹带线 47
4.4.6液泛线 48
5 塔结构与附属设备 50
5.1 塔体结构 50
5.2 进料泵的选用 50
5.3 冷凝器的选择 51
5.4浮阀塔设计计算结果(精馏段) 51
5.5浮阀塔设计计算结果(提馏段) 52
5.6反应器附属设备 53
6 工艺流程图 55
7 车间布置设计图 56
7.1生产车间平面布置图 56
7.2生产车间立面布置图 56
致  谢 57
参考文献 58
附  录 59,3617

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