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更新时间:2016-11-8:  来源:毕业论文

51单片机车厢内环境监控系统设计研究+主程序框图 摘要:近些年来,随着我国铁路向高速化、自动化和舒适化的方向发展,大量空调列车参与运营,使车厢环境得以改善,但由于车内热环境的洁净不足,车厢内的湿度、温度、噪音、二氧化碳等因素都决定了车厢内环境的质量。列车内车厢人员密度大、车内的高音喇叭、早市人们大声的交流、使车内环境有时无法满足旅客舒适度要求,甚至给旅客与乘务员带来不适。因此,为改善列车车厢环境,提高铁路旅客乘坐舒适度,增加铁路客运经济效益,对列车车厢环境监测系统研究是有必要的。
本论文主要阐述了基于89C51单片机在车厢内环境监测温度、湿度及噪音控制系统设计原理、主要电路设计及软件设计等。该系统采用STC89C51单片机作为控制器,DS18B20作为温度传感器,SHT11作为湿度传感器来设计一个车厢内的温湿度控制系统,对给定的温湿度进行控制并实时显示。对于环境噪声监测,本文主要以89C51单片机为核心,采用A/D转换技术将模拟信号转换为数字信号对噪声进行监测。系统通过对车厢内环境参数在线监测,达到了预期的目的,实现对车厢环境危害快速预警,并采取有效措施加以控制。系统能够为环境部门制定相关标准提供技术支持,对改善乘车出行环境,提高铁路服务质量,促进铁路的大发展是有意义的。本文来自优/文\论"文|网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文

Study on environmental monitoring system of carriage

关键词:  列车车厢;环境监测;STC89C51单片机;温度;湿度;噪音 体育运动对大学生主观锻炼体验的影响+参考文献

Abstract: In recent years, With the development of railway to the direction of the High speed, automation and comfortable. A large number of air conditioning train participate in operation to improve train carriages environment .But due to the lack of thermal environment、 humidity、 temperature、 noise、 carbon dioxide and other factors have decided the quality of the car environment. Personnel density inside the train, the car's tweeter, People’s loudly communication in morning market, those made the car environment can't satisfy passenger comfort requirements, sometimes even brings discomfort to the passengers and the trainman. Therefore in order to improve the environment of train carriages, passenger’s comfort and the economic benefit. It is necessary to research the train environment monitoring system.
This thesis is based on 89C51 Single chip microcomputer and mainly expounded design principle of train carriage environmental monitoring temperature, humidity and noise Control system, main circuit design and software design, etc. This system use STC89C51 as controller, DS18B20 as the temperature sensor, SHT11 as humidity sensor to design the control system of the train carriage, then according to the given data to control and show the real-time data of temperature and humidity. For environmental noise monitoring,this article mainly to 89C51 as the kernel, Using A/D conversion technology converts analog signals to digital signals for monitoring noise. The system achieves intended purpose and warning of environmental hazards by online monitoring, reminds workers to take effective measures to control, and provides technical support to develop standards for the environmental sectors. It's meaningful to improve the environment, service quality and promote the great development of the railway.

Key words: carriage; environmental monitoring; STC89C51 Single chip microcomputer; temperature; humidity; noise
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外现状分析 2
1.2.1 国内研究现状 2
1.2.2 国外研究现状 2
2 课题研究的目的与发展趋势 3
2.1 课题的目的 3
2.2 课题的发展趋势 3
3 系统总方案设计 3
3.1 总体方案设计 4
3.2 系统组成及框图 5
4 硬件设计 6
4.1 PROTUES 简介 6
4.2 KEIL C51编译器简介 7
4.3 微处理器 9
4.3.1 单片机的主要特性 9
4.3.2 STC89C51的引脚具体介绍 9
4.4 温度传感器的选择 11
4.4.1 DS18B20介绍 12
4.4.2 温度测量模块 13
4.5 湿度传感器选择 14
4.5.1 SHT11介绍 14
4.5.2 湿度测量模块 15
4.6 噪音传感器的选择 15
4.6.1 ADC0832介绍 15
4.6.2 噪音测量模块 16
4.7 液晶显示及报警 17
4.7.1 LCD1602简介及应用 17
4.7.2 超限处理模块 18
4.8 按键电路设计 19
4.9 整体电路图 20
5 软件设计 21
5.1 主程序框图 21
6 系统仿真调试 22
总结和展望 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
附录 28,3602

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