润滑剂加入前后成核剂对尼龙6结晶和力学性能的影响 摘要:本文用成核剂PNA012改性尼龙6,并添加了四种不同的润滑剂(ST、EBS、棕榈蜡、PETS)共设计了6种配方。实验通过拉伸测试,3点弯曲测试, 缺口冲击测试对尼龙6的机械性能进行了测试,而融指测试(MFI),热变形温度测试(HDT),差示扫描量热法和XRD则测试了尼龙6的结晶性能。
而在PA6的成核剂体系中加入了润滑剂则使拉伸强度有所降低但仍高于纯尼龙6,相反断裂伸长率却有所提高(只有加入1.5wt%ST的样品下降),其中加入润滑剂1.5wt%PETS后,其断裂伸长率最大,提高了10%。同样的加入润滑剂提高了润滑体系的弯曲强度和弯曲模量,本文来自优/文\论"文|网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文其中加入1.5wt%EBS时,其弯曲强度最大,提高了4.26 MPA。但是在缺口冲击强度上,加入润滑剂后的成核体系其强度有明显的下降且均低于纯尼龙6,加入1.5wt%棕榈蜡的配方最低,下降了0.9 kJ/m2。这表明润滑剂的加入增强了尼龙6成核体系的机械性能,但在缺口冲击强度上有所下降。而在结晶性能方面,润滑剂的加入提高了PA6成核体系的流动性,使结晶过冷度提高,但不利于结晶及γ相晶型的产生,耐热性能也有所下降。
Ncleating agent affect on nylon 6 crystallization and the mechanical properties after add lubricant
Abstract: In this paper, I use the nucleating agent, the PNA012 modified nylon 6, and add four different lubricant (ST 、EBS、Carnauba wax、PETS)and designed six formula to do experiment. In the experiment , I used tensile test, three-point bending notched Izard impact (J / m), Notch impact test to test the mechanical properties of samples and use financial means test (MFI), heat distortion temperature test (HDT) ,differential scanning calorimeter(DSC) and XRD to test their Crystalline.
Experimental results showed that when only adding 0.3 wt % PNA012 nucleating agent that increased the tensile strength of the nylon 6 by 16.23 MPA, the elongation at break increased by 23.9%, the flexural strength increased by 10 MPA and bending modulus increased by 306.6 MPA, the notched impact strength increased by 0.3 MPA, these indicate that adding nucleating agent make the mechanical strength of the nylon 6 has a significantly improve. Melt index showed PNA012 greatly hindered the liquidity of nylon 6. But the thermal deformation temperature of pure nylon 6 rosed by 43.2 ℃ showed the heat-resisting performance improvement of sample. By XRD test indicates PNA012 helped to bring about the crystal type of γ phase. DSC test shows the addition of PNA012 nucleating agent increased PA6 crystallinity, but decrease crystallization degree of supercooling.
The lubricant joined in the nylon 6 nucleating agent system makes the tensile strength decreases but still higher than that of pure nylon 6, oppositely elongation at break increased (only add 1.5wt% of ST sample decreased ), when 1.5wt %PETS adding lubricant the elongation at break is the largest, increased by 10%. Samely, adding lubricant can improve the lubrication system of the bending strength and bending modulus, by, adding 1.5 wt % EBS, its bending strength is the largest, increased 4.26 MPA. But on the notched impact strength, join after the lubricant system of nucleation showed a marked decline of its strength and lower than pure nylon 6, to join the lowest 1.5 wt % of palm wax formula, dropped by 0.9 kJ/m2. This shows that the lubricant to join us to enhance the mechanical properties of nylon 6 nucleation system, but on the notched impact strength decreased. In the crystallization, the addition of PA6 increased liquidity of lubrication system of PA6 and crystallization degree of supercooling. But it did not help to bring about the crystal type of γ phase and decreased the heat-resisting performance.
Key Words: Nylon 6; Lubricant; mechanical properties; Crystallization
1. 文献综述 1
1.1 尼龙6简介 1
1.1.1 概述 1
1.1.2 尼龙6的发展现状 1
1.2 尼龙6用润滑剂介绍 1
1.2.1 尼龙6用润滑剂的发展与现状 1
1.2.2 尼龙6用润滑剂反应机理 2
1.3 尼龙6改性研究现状 3
1.3.1 润滑剂改性 3
1.3.2 成核剂改性 5
1.4 本课题的目的与意义 7
1.4.1 研究目的 7
1.4.2 研究意义 7
2 实验部分 9
2.1 主要原材料 9
2.2 实验设备 9
2.3 样品配方 9
2.4 操作流程 9
2.5 性能测试 10
2.5.1 拉伸测试 10
2.5.2 弯曲测试 10
2.5.3 缺口冲击(J/m)测试 10
2.5.4 融指测试(MFI) 11
2.5.5 热变形温度测试(HDT) 11
2.5.6尼龙6(包括加成核剂和润滑剂的尼龙6)DSC测试 12
2.5.7尼龙6(包括加成核剂和润滑剂的尼龙6)XRD测试 12
3.结果与讨论 13
3.1 成核剂和润滑剂对尼龙6拉伸性能的影响 13
3.2 成核剂和润滑剂对尼龙6弯曲性能的影响 14
3.3 成核剂和润滑剂对尼龙6冲击性能的影响 14
3.4 成核剂和润滑剂对尼龙6流动速率的影响 15
3.5成核剂和润滑剂对尼龙6热变形温度的影响 16
3.6 成核剂和润滑剂对尼龙6熔融结晶性能的影响 17
3.7 成核剂和润滑剂对尼龙6的结晶结构的影响 19
4结论 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24,3588