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更新时间:2016-11-7:  来源:毕业论文

Matlab镍氢电池控制仿真研究+SOC估测 摘要:镍氢电池是一种新型电池,具有能量比大,重量轻,温度特性好等特点。并且对环境污染少,被称为绿色能源。镍氢电池已得到广泛的应用。
High Temperature Charging Efficiency and Degradation Behavior of High Capacity Ni-MH Batteries
Abstract: Recently the Ni/MH secondary battery has been studied extensively to achieve higher energy density, longer cycle life and faster charging-discharging rate for electric vehicles and portable computers, and etc. In this work, the charging efficiency of the Ni-MH battery which uses Ni electrode with addition of various compounds and the degradation behavior of the 90Ah battery were studied. The battery using the Ni electrode with Ca(OH)2 addition showed the charging efficiency and the utilization ratio significantly better than electrodes without added compounds. After 418 cycles, the residual capacities at the Ni electrode showed nearly the same values in the upper, middle and lower regions. In the case of the MH electrode, the residual capacity in the upper region appeared lower than that in other regions. As a result of ICP analysis, the amount of dissolved elements in the three regions appeared almost the same. The faster degradation in the upper region of the MH electrode was caused by the TiO2 oxide film formed at the electrode surface because of overcharging. The thickness of the oxide film increases with cycling, so it will form a layer that is not able to allow hydrogen to penetrate into the MH electrode.
Key words:MH battery; Matlab,;degradation
1  绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2镍氢电池国内外的发展情况 2
1.3 SOC的定义 3
1.4课题研究的意义 3
1.5课题研究内容 4
2  镍氢蓄电池的特性以及SOC的预测 5
2.1镍氢电池在电动汽车方面的应用 5
2.2镍氢电池工作原理 7
2.2.1镍氢蓄电池的电动势 9
2.2.2镍氢蓄电池的容量 10
2.3镍氢蓄电池的特性 10
2.4影响镍氢蓄电池SOC的主要原因 13
2.4.1镍氢蓄电池的放电电流 13
2.4.2镍氢蓄电池的放电终止电 14
2.5镍氢电池相对于其他电池的优点 14
2.6 本章小结 15
3  电池SOC的预测方法 16
3.1电池能量管理系统的概念 16
3.2 SOC检测方法与可用性分析 16
3.2.1电量累积法 16
3.2.2电阻测量法这种方法 17
3.2.3电压测量法 17
3.3本章小结 18
4   Matlab软件 19
4.1MATLAB软件 19
4.2在MATLAB软件中得到的仿真模型 19
4.2.1在Matlab中镍氢电池的仿真 19
4.2.2 镍氢电池在仿真中保持输入电流不变改变输入电压来观察输出仿真 21
4.2.3镍氢电池在仿真中保持输入电压不变改变输入电流来观察输出仿真 24
4.3镍镉电池的仿真 27
4.3.1不改变输入电压改变输入电流 28
4.3.2 镍镉电池 改变输入电压不改变输入电流 30
4.4锂电池 33
4.4.1锂电池 不改变电压 改变电流 33
4.4.2 锂电池不改变电流改变电压 36
4.4 本章小结 39
致谢 40
参考文献 40,3583

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