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更新时间:2016-11-7:  来源:毕业论文

卷绕式真空镀膜机总体及送丝结构设计 摘要:卷绕式真空镀膜机是在高真空条件下,以电阻加热方式使金属或非金属材料熔融气化,在柔性基材的表面附着而形成复合薄膜的一种工艺。
本人设计的是特殊结构电阻加热卷绕式真空镀膜机总体结构以及送丝机构,原理是将卷筒装的呆镀膜基材装在真空镀膜机的放卷辊上,薄膜穿过导向辊和镀膜冷鼓卷绕在收卷辊上。抽真空,使蒸镀室中的真空度达到 Pa以上,加热蒸发舟使高纯度铝丝融化并蒸发。启动薄膜卷绕系统,当薄膜运行速度达到设定数值后,打开蒸发源水冷挡板使其他金属微粒在移动的薄膜基材表面沉积、冷却,既形成亦曾连续而光滑的金属或化合物膜层。真空室分成上下两室,上室为卷绕区域,下室为镀膜区域,送丝机构是在下室,是调节膜材厚度以及膜材用量的重要结构,为了平稳地送出金属丝本人设计了弹簧以及电机机架,和相关的压紧轮,以及送料辊子。镀铝薄膜生产工艺流程:基材放卷→抽真空→加热蒸发舟→送铝丝→蒸镀→冷却→测厚→展平→收卷。
关键词: 真空:镀膜;卷绕式;送丝机构:

The Design of Vacuum roll coating machine and wirefeeder
Abstract: Winding vacuum coater is under vacuum, vaporization evaporator heating evaporation material make, evaporating particle flow directly at the formation of solid film deposited on the substrate and technology.
I design the overall structure of a winding vacuum film coating machine, and the vacuum chamber is an important feeding structure, the vacuum chamber can be divided into two chambers, and the wire feeding mechanism is in the next room, winding mechanism chamber by with my partner subject, wire feeding mechanism is the regulation of important structure membrane thickness and the amount of coating material, in order to smooth out the wire I designed spring and a motor frame, and the pressing wheel, and the feeding roller, the overall mechanism is composed of two parts, the wall thickness and the location of the evaporation boat position need to design a vacuum chamber. Production process of aluminum thin film: substrate volume→vacuum pumping→heating evaporation boat→aluminum wire conveying→evaporation→cooling
→thickness→flattening and rolling.

Key Words: Winding type: vacuum; coating;The wire feeding mechanism;

1 选题背景和意义 1
1.1 课题介绍 1
1.2 选题背景 2
1.3 课题意义 6
    1.4文献综述 6
    1.4.1国内外发展现状 7
1.4.2光学领域的应用 8
1.4.3半导体领域的应用 9
1.4.4电容器领域应用 11
1.4.5现有真空镀膜机总体布局种类 12
2 设计方案的论证 13
2.1 原始条件及数据 12
2.2 卷绕真空镀膜机工作原理 14
2.2.1总体结构第一种方案 15
2.2.2总体结构第二种方案 15
2.2.3总体结构第三种方案 16
2.3 真空抽气系统 16
2.4 卷绕系统及其控制 17
2.5蒸发系统 19
2.5.1送丝系统方案 19
2.5.2 蒸发舟 22
3 总体结构设计以及计算 23
3.1镀膜室壁厚设计 23
3.2镀膜室冷却装置设计 24
4 送丝机构设计以及计算 25
4.1送丝机构压紧轮设计 27
4.2 送丝机构弹簧的计算 29
4.3 送丝机构驱动电机选择 30
4.4 绕丝杆的设计以及强度校核 32
4.5 上室卷绕系统以及下室位置 39
5毕业设计总结 40
6致谢 41
7参考文献 42,3578

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