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更新时间:2016-11-6:  来源:毕业论文

纳米复合氧化物的制备及电化学应用研究 摘要:钴酸镍具有良好的电化学性能,将其应用于超级电容器电极材料具有广阔的前景。
关键词: 水热合成;钴酸镍;表面形貌;比电容
Preparation and Electrochemical Application of Nanometer
Composite Oxide
Abstract: NiCo2O4 possesses excellent electrochemical performance and has a good application
prospective in electrode material for supercapacitors. Nickel cobalt oxide was sucessfully
prepared by hydrothermal synthesis method with nickel nitrate and cobalt nitrate as raw
materials in the CO(NH2)2 system. Techniques such as XRD, SEM, BET, cyclic voltammetry,
chronopotentiomtry were used to study the physical properties and electrochemical
performances of the synthesized materials. The results show that 250 ° C is the lowest heating
temperature to prepare the spinel type nickel cobalt oxide . With the increase of the guide agent,
morphology of the samples change from urchin-like spheres to short thorn-like spheres . When
the proportion of metal ion and CO(NH2)2 is controlled at 1:2.5, the morphology of the product
is short nanorods burr ball structure. The product’s specific surface area is 146.2m2
/g. The
specific capacitance of 284.76F/g and 247.31F/g are obtained in the current density of 1A/g and
10A/g. The specific capacitance is 87.46%. Therefore the product has good rate capability.
KeyWords: hydrothermal synthesis;nickel cobalt oxide;surface morphology;specific
1 文献综述 1
11 超级电容器的定义1
111 超级电容器的基本原理1
112 超级电容器的特点和用途2
113 超级电容器电极材料的研究现状3
12 钴酸镍4
121 钴酸镍的晶体结构4
122 钴酸镍电极的反应机理5
123 钴酸镍的制备方法5
124 掺杂元素对于纳米氧化镍的电容性能的影响7
13 现有问题7
14 选题依据7
15 研究的目的和意义8
16 主要研究内容8
17 本文创新点8
2 实验部分 9
21 试剂与仪器9
211 试剂9
212 仪器9
22 材料的制备10
221 纳米钴酸镍的制备10
222 纳米钴酸镍电极的制备10
223 实验步骤10
23 分析表征11
231 X射线衍射(XRD)表征11
232 扫描电镜(SEM)表征11
233 N2 吸脱附(BET)表征 12
234 循环伏安测试12
235 恒电流充放电测试13
3 结果与讨论 14
31 XRD 物相分析 14
32 扫描电镜分析15
33 BET比表面积分析 17
34 电化学性能测试18
341 循环伏安分析18
342 恒流充放电分析21
4 结论25
参考文献 27,3576

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