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更新时间:2016-11-5:  来源:毕业论文

主线50米钢筋混凝刚架土拱桥设计(武夷山景区大桥设计) 摘要:钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥综合了拱结构和斜腿刚架结构的特点,加之桥面系参与结构作用,因而属于有推力的高次超静定结构。其中由主拱腿、次拱腿、跨中实腹段主梁和空腹段次梁等构件组成裸肋,由微弯板(空心板)、主次梁及横向联系梁组成桥面体系,再利用现浇混凝土桥面铺装层与裸肋构成整体组合结构。它具有构件少、质量轻、施工简便、造价低、装配化程度高、造型美观等优点,被广泛应用于跨径25m-70m的桥梁。
本设计根据任务书要求设计一座主线50米钢筋混凝刚架土拱桥,经过严格的方案比选从三个备选方案中选择钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥作为设计方案。桥梁上部结构主要有主拱肋、弦杆、横系梁及立柱等。钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥美观且受力合理, 但该种桥型设计参数较多, 各参数相互关联, 给设计工作带来了困难。
完成上述工作后,便要进行结构验算,对于拱桥最重要的就是要验算拱圈截面承载力与拱圈的整体稳定性。建模完成后便进行运行分析,可在“结果”菜单内查看荷载组合。荷载组合有基本组合、短期组合和长期组合等。对下面的验算来说,若进行承载能力验算,则选用强度包络下的组合;若进行正常使用验算,则选用应力包络下的组合;若进行挠度验算,则选用位移包络下的组合。本文来自优/文(论"文?网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文
关键词: 刚架;微弯板;钢筋混凝土;横系梁;结构分析
Design of Wuyishan Scenic Bridge
Abstract:Reinforced concrete rigid frame arch bridge arch structure and comprehensive slant leg rigid frame structure, and the bridge deck system in structure, which belongs to the higher thrust hyperstatic structure. The main arch, arch legs, leg span solid-web section girder and fasting period of secondary beam and other components by bare ribs, slightly curved plate (slab), primary and secondary beam and transverse beam deck system, using cast-in-place concrete bridge deck pavement layer and the bare ribs form an integral composite structure. The utility model has the advantages of less components, light weight, simple construction, low cost, high degree of assembly, beautiful appearance, is widely used by bridges with a span of 25m-70m.
This design according to the task book requirements to design a line of 60 meters of reinforced concrete frame soil arch bridge, after strict selection from three alternatives in reinforced concrete rigid frame arch bridge as the design plan. The upper structure of the bridge main arch rib, chord, beam and column. Reinforced concrete rigid frame arch bridge has the advantages of beautiful appearance and reasonable stress, but more of this kind of bridge design parameters, correlation parameters, which brings difficulty to the design work.
First carries on the preliminary design, the specific size of the selected scheme to bridge and related parameters. Calculated span 50m arch ribs, calculating the rise of 6m, the ratio of rise to span 1\/10. The most important is the section size of arch rib, is according to the specification and related reference materials to develop. The second step is to calculate structure, which is the most crucial modeling, the final calculation is correct, largely depends on the model built is correct. This design using MIDAS software, can calculate the internal force of the control section of the structure.
After the completion of the work, then to structure calculation for arch bridge, is the most important to the overall stability bearing capacity of arch and arch section checking. Modeling after the completion of operation analysis, can be in the "results" menu to view the load combination. Load combination with basic combination of short-term and long-term combination, combination. Calculation of the following, if the bearing capacity checking computation, chooses the combination strength envelope; if the normal use of checking, the selection should be combined under the force envelope; if the check of deflection, displacement is used under the combination of envelope.
The construction method of cast-in-place construction, the full support of arch rib, chord, brace, deck pavement, prefabricated slightly curved plate. Suitable for the construction of flood plain. But the disadvantage is the arch rib in the air, the precision is difficult to control, Arch axial Line type control has the certain difficulty, the difficulty of segmentation more, schedule and quality control is greater, the construction cost is higher, the construction should be using the new technology and new process. Through this design to summarize the university study achievement, and the future development are also discussed. At the end of this paper, additional CAD drawings for the entire structure size, horizontal and vertical section, steel beam layout shape description and added further.
KeyWords:frame structure; slightly curved plate; reinforced concrete; beam; structural analysis

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 设计的目的与要求 1
1.2 钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥的特点 1
1.3 钢钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥的优势 1
1.4 梁拱组合的特点 2
1.5 钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥在国内的现况 2
2 设计依据 3
2.1 设计依据 3
2.2 技术标准 3
2.3 地质资料 3
2.4 主要材料 3
2.5 采用规范 5
3 桥型方案比选 6
3.1 构思宗旨 6
3.2 比选标准 6
3.3 比选方案 6
3.3.1 方案一:简支梁桥方案 6
3.3.2 方案二:钢筋混凝土刚架拱桥方案 7
3.3.3 方案三:连续梁桥方案 7
3.4 方案点评 7
3.5 方案确定 8
4 总体布置及主要尺寸 9
4.1 结构总体布置拟定 9
4.2 截面尺寸拟定 11
4.2.1 拱肋 11
4.2.2 横梁 12
5 建立模型 13
5.2 计算方法概述 14
5.3 模型建立 14
5.3.1 建立坐标系 15
5.3.2 单元划分 16
5.3.3 结构边界条件 17
5.4 拱桥冲击系数计算 17
6 整体静力分析 17
6.1 内力计算 17
6.1.1 恒载内力计算 18
  6.2 作用组合 18
6.2.1 承载能力极限状态组合 18
6.2.2 正常使用极限状态组合 20
7 截面配筋级强度验算 22
  7.1 拱顶截面验算 22
8.2 实腹段根部验算 24
8.3 主拱腿根部截面验算 28
8.4中旋杆截面验算 30
8.5边弦杆截面验算 32
8.6斜撑上端截面验算 34

8抗剪强度力验算 36
8.1 正截面抗剪强度验算 36
8.2 斜截面抗剪强度验算 36
8.3 横梁正截面极限承载能力验算 37
8.4 斜截面极限承载能力验算 38
9裸肋无支架施工验算 39
10.1 规范要求 39
  10.2起模时的吊装验算 40
  10.3实腹段搁置在主拱腿上应力验算 44
  10.4单拱肋合拢时的应力验算应力验算 46
致谢 48
参考文献 49
附录 50,3567

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