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更新时间:2016-11-5:  来源:毕业论文

车削测力系统的辅助装置设计毕业设计说明书 摘  要
Turning the Auxiliary Force Measurement System Design
Abstract:The cutting force generated during metal cutting have a direct influence on thegenerafion of cutting heat,tool wear,and quality of machined surface,and accuracy of theworkpiece.Duo to the complex cutting conditions of metal cutting operation and some unknown factors,theoretical cutting force calculations fail to produce accurate results.Therefore,experimental measurements of cutting force become unavoidable.For this purpose,many dynamometers have be developed,most of which concentrated on smile eutilng force.Now there is need to put great emphasis on the dynamic component of cutting force to satisfyhigh machining accuracy.The distributed dynamometer is made up of bit tool,force sensor,toolbar and screws.The middle SCreW which goes through quartz plates is used to constrain thermal deformationand compensate the decreasing preload caused by culling heat based on ANSYS simulationand theoretical analysis.It is proved that this structure canreduce the influence of cutting heatin some degree by cutting test,but Can not meet the demand.The unitary dynamometer has a‘'push-puU”structure,which Call improve the sensitivityand compensate the errors caused by cutting heat automatically.This structure essentiallycontains an important elastic ring element,which must produce defonnation proportional toexternal load and has high rigidity
Key Words:tools;Dynamometer
1绪论 3
1.1.1  测力仪 4
1.2.1压电式传感器的国内外现状及发展趋势 4
1.2.2 压电车削测力仪的类型 6
1.2.3 压电传感器综述 6
1.3.1 车削测力仪的结构与分析 7
1.4.1 传感器的预载 9
1.4.2预载方式 9
2 传感器的设计 13
2.1 传感器晶组的设计 13
2.1.1 石英晶体几何切型选择 13
2.1.2 晶体的构成 14
2.2 结构设计原则 15
3 测力辅助装置的设计 17
3.1.1构件的组成及其工作原理 17
3.1.2 计算各方向车削力 20
3.1.3车刀弯曲强度校核计算 21
3.1.4 连接底板的螺栓确定及强度校核 21
3.1.5上盖螺栓确定及强度校核 23
3.1.6后盖螺栓确定及强度校核 24
3.1.7 结构特点 25
3.2.1构件的组成及其工作原理 26
3.2.2 计算各方向车削力 28
3.2.3车刀弯曲强度校核计算 29
3.2.4 连接底板的螺栓确定及强度校核 30
3.2.5顶盖的螺栓确定及其强度校核 31
3.2.6 结构特点 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 34,3566

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