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更新时间:2016-11-5:  来源:毕业论文

DEFORM-3D模拟砧宽比对坯料锻透性影响规律的研究 摘要:本文介绍了使用DEFORM-3D有限元分析软件模拟6061铝合金抜长变形的具体过程,并且提出了利用该软件提取应变曲线以优选砧宽比的方案,给出了能够保证心部锻透的临界砧宽比。模拟结果表明:铝合金坯料在单砧拔长过程中,压应变的峰值随着砧宽比的值由小到大而从对称中心处的两侧逐步向对称中心处集中,从而达到锻透状态。为保证实际操作的效率及经济性,我们需要取得未锻透至锻透的过渡阶段作为参考来制定完整的操作流程。确定临界砧宽比后,我们在该条件下进行了连续抜长工艺的数值模拟并提出了改进方案。最后通过一系列拔长变形实验对单砧压下的模拟结果进行了验证,模拟结果与实验结果基本符合。
关键词: 砧宽比;有限元法;数值模拟;抜长;锻透性;
Study on the influence of anvil width ratio on the blank forging penetration
Abstract: This paper introduces the concrete process of using the DEFORM-3D finite element analysis software to make the stretching simulation of 6061 aluminum alloy, and proposed to extract the strain curve to optimize the anvil width ratio to meet the requirement of forging penetration. Aluminum alloy billets in the stretching process, compressive strain peak with the anvil width ratio values from both sides from the neutral surface gradually to the neutral surface concentration, so as to achieve the steady state. In order to ensure the efficiency and economy of the actual operation, we need to obtain the transition stage of unwrought transparent to the forging penetration as a reference to develop a complete operation process. In determining the anvil width ratio, we performed a complete student in the condition of simulation and the actual operation of the processing scheme. Finally, by the simulation results of single anvil under a series of related experiments and measurements were made to verify, results in line with expectations.
Keywords: Anvil width ratio; Finite Element Method; Numerical simulation; Stretching; Forging penetration
目 录

1绪论 1
1.1 6061铝合金简介 1
1.2拔长工艺与砧宽比 2
1.3有限元模拟技术简介 3
1.4选题的目的和意义 4
1.4.1 铝合金锻件的特色 4
1.4.2 拔长过程的锻透性模拟 5
1.5课题的研究内容 5
2拔长工艺的数值模拟 6
2.1 DEFORM-3D的特点与应用 6
2.2 模型的制作与导出 8
2.3模拟的设定及运行 9
2.4 模拟结果的处理与分析 14
2.4.1 应变场分布云图 14
2.4.2 坯料中心线处的压应变分析 15
2.4.3 实现锻透条件的临界砧宽比的选择 17
2.5 连续拔长工艺的数值模拟 21
3 拔长工艺的实验验证 25
3.1 实验设备简介 25
3.2 单砧拔长实验方案及操作过程 27
3.2.1 初步实验方案 27
3.2.2 实验方案修改 27
3.2.3 最终实验方案 29
3.3 实验结果与验证 33
4 结论 36
致 谢 37
参考文献 38,3557

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