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更新时间:2016-11-1:  来源:毕业论文

VB的COREX-C3000熔融气化炉能量利用的研究 摘要:COREX炉又称熔融还原炼铁装置,具有流程短、污染低等优势,是对传统高炉炼铁技术的一次革命。熔融气化炉是本工艺的关键,也是限制性环节。本课题中把理论研究与计算机程序结合起来,通过对气化炉物料平衡与热平衡的计算并分析不同冶炼条件下的参数,提出降低熔融气化炉能量消耗的措施。对计算结果分析后,发现在相同原料情况下,适当降低料速,提高竖炉内矿石的金属化率,以利于降低rd值,减少能量消耗。另外,MBR球团矿的比例、竖炉中焦炭加入量、矿石加入种类的搭配以及气化炉煤气的二次利用都是熔融气化炉能量利用的关键。
关键词: COREX;物料平衡;热平衡;Visual Basic;熔融气化炉
The Energy Consumption Of COREX-C3000
Melter Gasifier
Abstract:COREX furnace also known as iron smelting reduction device, with a short process, low pollution advantages, once the traditional blast furnace ironmaking technology revolution. Melter gasifier is the key to the present process is also restrictive link. This topic in theoretical research and computer programs to combine, and analyze the different the smelting conditions under the parameters of the gasifier material balance and thermal balance calculation, proposed measures to reduce the melting gasifier energy consumption. Analysis on the calculation results, it is found that in the case of the same raw material, appropriate to reduce the feed speed, to improve the metallization ratio of the shaft furnace with ore to facilitate reducing the value of rd, and reduce energy consumption. Further, MBR pellets proportion of ore, the shaft furnace coke added in an amount, the key ore Add the mix of species and the secondary use of the gasifier gas are melt gasifier energy utilization.
KeyWords:COREX;Mass balance;thermal balance;Visual Basic;Melter Gasifier
目 录
1 文献综述 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 COREX工艺简介 1
1.3 熔融气化炉 3
2 使用的软件和编程语言 5
2.1 Access 5
2.2 Microsoft Visual Basic 5
3 COREX-C3000物料平衡与热平衡 9
3.1 熔融气化炉物料平衡 9
3.2 熔融气化炉热平衡 10
4 软件展示与代码分析 14
4.1主界面 14
4.2 Access数据库与VB的连接 16
4.3 计算模块 24
5 熔融气化炉能量利用分析 29
5.1 相同矿石种类不同料速 29
5.1.1 矿石在竖炉停留时间 29
5.1.2 燃料比的不同和矿石比例 31
5.2 相同料速不同矿石种类 33
5.2.1 4种矿石的搭配 33
5.2.2 reya矿与DRI 34
5.3 气化炉的煤气利用 34
6 结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37,3532

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