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更新时间:2016-10-29:  来源:毕业论文

汽车发动机的活塞零件的工艺装备设计+CAD图纸 摘要:本课题研究对象为汽车发动机的活塞零件的工艺装备设计。首先,因为活塞是发动机的核心部件,而发动机又是汽车的最重要的部件,我国的汽车行业与欧美发达国家相比还有很大的差距,国内有很多汽车行业相关的企业,包括我现在所在的上海德梅柯汽车装备制造有限公司,都是属于汽车制造行业,但是总观现状,很多都只是车身相关的企业,设计改动最大的也不过是车身,但是真正核心的底盘以及发动机的设计制造却少之又少。国产的发动机与国外的发动机还是有一定的差距。所以本次毕业设计课题就是发动机的活塞零件的工艺装备设计。通过这次设计,一来也是自己的一次机会去深入了解这个核心零件的具体工艺,参数规格等方面的信息;二来也是希望通过毕业答辩的论文展示,能让更多的同学和老师共享自己的努力成果,从而对这一核心部件有一定深度的认识和了解。为国家的发动机行业敬献一点自己的绵薄之力。本文来自优~文)论'文`网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文
本论文,主要包含活塞的结构,材料,性能等方面的常规介绍,并通过视频展示由我自己用CATIA 软件设计的整个活塞连杆机构,更加直观和形象的介绍发动机的内部结构以及活塞的具体结构。然后是单个活塞零件的加工工艺分析,工序的制定,再然后是该活塞的两套夹具方案设计的具体展示,最后利用有限元分析进一步验证夹具设计方案的合理性,以及一部分干涉检查,运动分析等。
The Numerical Control Processing And Flexible Modular Fixture Design Of The Calipers
Abstract:This project studies the numerical control processing and flexible modular fixture design of the calipers. First of all, the calipers’ importance is self-evident, because braking action is finished on the caliper at last. So caliper is the pivotal part of the braking system.
This task including parts of the brake clamp with clamping program development, based onSolidworks software to do interference check and parameterization design. First, we must carry on the analysis in the technological design to the components, understood the components the craft redesigns, materials and the structure, and chooses the good components the processing datum. After that is carrying on the size computation to a components each labor step of working procedure, the key is decides each working procedure the craft equipment and the cutting specifications; Then carries on the unit clamp the design,  select the modular fixture, the choice designs the jig each composition part, like locates the part, clamps the part, guides the part, to clamp concrete and the engine bed connection part as well as other parts; Position error which calculates the jig locates when produces, analyzes the jig structure the rationality and the deficiency, and will design in later pays attention to the improvement. Finally, interference check the fixture use the Solidworks to show the advantages of the using the three-dimensional design process, Through the three-dimensional simulation can clearly see the interference when parts are in the assembly process, so it can make timely corrections, therefore save time and money.
The project (The Numerical Control Processing And Flexible Modular Fixture Design Of The Calipers ) combine with the analysis of components, the selection and formulation of the processing technology and fixture design. During this task, it is necessary to consider all minds of problems such as analysis of the part’s structure, the choice of processing and the machine tools, the cost, the reliable of the fixture. This task based on Solidworks and AutoCAD to do Computer aided assist.

Keywords:Caliper, Numerical Control Processing, Flexible Modular Fixture,Finite-element Analysis, Interference
1 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 数字化设计制造技术的概念与发展趋势 1
1.2.1 数字化设计制造技术的概念与优势 1
1.2.2 数字化设计制造技术的主要内容 2
1.2.3 数字化设计制造技术在我国的应用概况 3
1.3 CAD技术的基本概念及发展过程 4
1.3.1 CAD技术的基本概念 4
1.3.2 CAD技术的发展过程 4
1.3.3 现代CAD技术的发展趋势 6
1.4 目前CAD技术使用状况 7
1.4.1 国外使用CAD技术状况 7
1.4.2 我国CAD技术使用及应用状况 7
1.5 本课题介绍 8
2 活塞零件加工工艺 9
2.1 活塞工作环境介绍 9
2.2 活塞所使用的材料的发展历程 10
2.3 活塞结构介绍 14
2.4本设计中采用的活塞三文结构 14
2.5本设计中活塞加工尺寸分析 14
2.3.3 选择并确定加工工艺 44
3夹具总体设计 45
3.1 夹具的定义与功能及组成 18
3.2 夹具的设计步骤 18
3.3 夹具设计的基本要求 19
3.4 总体设计思想 19
3.4.1工序集中思想 20
3.5活塞夹具方案一 23
3.6 活塞夹具方案二 29
4活塞曲轴机构装配分解动画,运动分析,有限元分析 37
4.1 活塞曲轴的装配分解动画 37
  4.2 活塞曲轴机构的运动分析 37
4.2.1  活塞运动的速度加速度分析 38
4.3  活塞机构的简单有限元分析 40
  4.4  二文出图 40
5 总结 45
致谢 46
参考文献 47,3523

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