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更新时间:2016-10-23:  来源:毕业论文

汽车发动机的曲轴零件的工艺装备设计+CAD图纸 摘要:曲轴是汽车发动机的关键零件之一,其性能好坏直接影响到汽车发动机的质量和寿命.曲轴在发动机中承担最大负荷和全部功率,承受着强大的方向不断变化的弯矩及扭矩,同时经受着长时间高速运转的磨损,因此要求曲轴材质具有较高的刚性、疲劳强度和良好的耐磨性能。发动机曲轴的作用是将活塞的往复直线运动通过连杆转化为旋转运动,从而实现发动机由化学能转变为机械能的输出。
关键词:发动机   曲轴   工艺分析   工艺设计

Abstract:The car engine crankshaft is one of the key parts and its direct influence on the performance of the quality of life and the car engine crankshaft in engine. For maximum load and power, with all of the changes direction, bending and torque through long run, so the crankshaft material wear high rigidity, fatigue strength and wear resistance. Engine crankshaft role of piston is reciprocal linear motion through the link into the rotary motion, thus realize engine by chemical energy into mechanical energy output.
This topic is only diesel engine crankshaft process analysis and design are discussed. The process route plan is the key stage procedure formulation of regulations, is the overall design process. Which route reasonable or not, not only influence processing quality and productivity, and affect worker, equipment, and process equipment and production sites, which affect the reasonable utilization of production cost.
Therefore, the design is in the careful analysis of the crankshaft parts processing technical requirements and machining precision, reasonably determine the blank type, after consulting relevant reference, manuals, charts, standards, technical data to determine the locating datum, mechanical process and procedure limits.but dimensions and tolerances, eventually developing a crank parts processing process card.
Keywords: engine   crankshaft   process analysis and process design
摘  要 I
前  言 IV
1.发动机曲轴零件图的分析 1
1.1 曲轴的功能和用途 1
1.2 曲轴的结构和技术要求 1
2.工艺过程设计 2
2.1计算生产纲领,确定生产类型 2
2.2 审查零件图样工艺性 3
2.3 选择毛坯 3
2.4 工艺过程设计 3
2.5  确定加工余量及毛坯尺寸、设计毛坯图 8
2.6 重要工序设计 9
2.7 确定切削用量及基本时间 11
3.夹具设计 16
3.1 机床夹具的分类、基本组成和功用 17
3.2 发动机曲轴夹具的设计思路 17
3.3 曲轴连杆轴颈粗磨夹具设计 19
结论 27
参考文献 28
致  谢  29,3466

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