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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

新媒体时代报纸营销策略研究 摘  要:新媒体时代,报业要得到长久的发展,就必须注重报纸的营销。本文使用案例分析、对比等研究方法,从报纸营销对于抵抗新媒体冲击和应对市场化竞争的必要性入手,进一步分析报纸在读者定位、内容、广告等方面的营销特色,指出其同质化现象严重以及品牌意识薄弱等不足之处,旨在探讨完善报纸营销的策略,即延伸报纸的社会影响力、注重内容产品经济价值多层次开发、深化整合营销理念等三个方面,以期对助推报纸走出困境,不断创新有所裨益。

Study of Newspaper Marketing in New Media Era
Abstract: In the new media era, newspaper must pay attention to the marketing for its long-term development. Using the method of case analysis, comparison and other methods, this paper starts with the necessity of newspaper marketing, that is resistance to impact of new media and respond to market competition, and then further analyses its marketing characteristics in the reader positioning, content and ads, etc. Also, it points out its shortcomings of severe homogenization phenomenon and weak brand awareness. Based on this, the paper aims at perfecting the strategy of newspaper marketing, by extending newspaper’s social influence, paying attention to multilevel development of the contents’ economic value, deepening the concept of integrated marketing,  to help newspaper out, and be good at continuous innovation.
Key words: new media era; newspaper marketing; strategy of marketing
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract. 1
一、新媒体时代报纸注重营销的必要性 2
(一)抵抗新媒体冲击的需要 2
(二)报纸市场化竞争的必然要求 2
二、新媒体时代报纸的营销特色 3
(一)锁定目标读者,坚持“受众本位” 3
(二)拓展发行网络,力争“渠道制胜” 3
(三)挖掘广告资源,提升经济效益 4
三、现阶段报纸营销的不足 4
(一)同质化现象严重 4
(二)品牌意识薄弱 5
四、新媒体时代完善报纸营销的策略 5
(一)延伸报纸的社会影响力 6
(二)注重内容产品经济价值的多层次开发 6
(三)深化整合营销理念 7
(四)走品牌化发展之路 7
参考文献 8,3403

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