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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

“全民皆摄”背景下新闻摄影记者的应对策略 摘  要:近年来,随着手机、数码相机的普遍应用和互联网的快速发展,逐渐形成了“全民皆摄”的局面,冲击了新闻摄影记者的专业地位,摄影记者如何在激烈的职业竞争中寻求发展成为亟待解决的问题。本文运用文献研究法、案例分析法以及归纳总结等方法,分析了“全民皆摄”现象产生的原因、现阶段的特点,进行重点研究了“全民皆摄”现象对新闻摄影记者产生的影响,针对新闻摄影记者未来的发展道路提出相关策略,以期为新闻摄影记者应对“全民皆摄”时代提供建议。

The Strategies of the Press-photographers in the Background of
 the Phenomenon of Photography by All the People
Abstract: In recent years, with the widespread application of mobile phones, digital cameras and fast development of the Internet, the number of people photographing was rising, which has a strong impact on the press-photographers. Hence, it is urgent for the press-photographers to survive and seek to develop especially in the fierce vocational competition. The topic is analyzed and discussed in this essay through the study of literature and comprehensive analysis, case analysis, generalization and summarization. The essay analyzes the causes, the current features and the impact of all the people photographing, and presents the strategies and suggestions for the future development of press-photographers.    
Key Words: citizen reporters; news photography; press-photographer
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、 “全民皆摄”现象概述 2
(一)“全民皆摄”现象产生的原因 2
(二)“全民皆摄”现象的主要特征 3
二、 “全民皆摄”现象对新闻摄影记者的影响 4
(一)影响新闻摄影记者的时效性观念 4
(二)冲击新闻摄影记者的专业地位 5
(三)削弱新闻摄影记者的技术优势 5
三、新闻摄影记者该如何应对“全民皆摄” 6
(一)强化照片质量 6
(二)丰富说明文字 6
(三)注重细节表现 7
(四)拓展报道深度 8
(五)注重与非专业新闻摄影人的合作 8
参考文献 10,3402

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