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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

电视民生新闻存在的问题研究以《第一时间》为例 摘  要:电视民生新闻因为报道题材事关广大受众利益,报道风格贴近受众而广受欢迎,但电视民生新闻存在的题材拓展不够,报道形式单一,节目附加商业价值过多以及与公共新闻之间的界限模糊等问题,影响了其传播效果。本文以安徽卫视的民生新闻节目《第一时间》为例,分析了这些问题产生的原因,有针对性地提出了避免题材同质化,进行栏目创新,加强新闻工作者的职业素养,运用好镜头语言等解决之策,帮助电视民生新闻节目克服不足,发挥自身优势,实现更多的社会价值。

Study of The Problems of Television News Programs for Livelihood
                 ——Take “The First Time” as an Example
Abstract: Television news programs for livelihood are popular for they are relative to the major of audiences and the reporting style is close to audiences. But there are also some problems, such as the lack of the expedition of the subjects, the form of the report is single, too much commercial attachments to the programs and the blurring of the lines between them and public news programs. These problems have negative influence to the publication and transportation of these programs. This paper takes the livelihood program of Anhui Satellite TV station, the first time, as the example, to analyses the cause of these problems, and come s up with targeted resolutions, such as avoiding the homogenization of the subjects, making innovations to the programs, improving the quality of the journalists, making good use of the camera language and so on, trying to help Television news programs for livelihood to overcome the shortages, playing its advantages and take more valuation to the society.
Key Words: TV;the livelihood of the people news;problems;“The First Time”
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、电视民生新闻的概述 2
   (一)电视民生新闻的涵义 2
   (二)电视民生新闻的特点 2
   (三)电视民生新闻的现状 3
二、从《第一时间》看电视民生新闻所存在的问题 3
   (一)民生新闻报道题材拓展不够 4
   (二)报道形式单一 5
   (三)过分注意商业价值 6
三、从《第一时间》看电视民生新闻的改善之策 7
   (一)避免题材的同质化 7
   (二)开展栏目创新 9
   (三)平衡节目的公共性和商业性 10
参考文献 12,3401

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