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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

浅析帮忙类节目的突围之道以《帮女郎帮你忙》为例 摘  要:近年来,为适应我国构建和谐社会的需要,倡导以人为本的人文精神,我国各级电视台以“关注民生,服务大众“为宗旨,创办了诸如“民生报道”“帮女郎帮你忙”等一批服务大众、关注民生的电视节目,其中帮忙类电视节目本着为普通老百姓办实事、帮好忙的原则,被观众们认可,并扩大了自身的影响力和公信力,成为民众之间、民众与政府之间、民众与社会服务部门之间沟通的桥梁。但是由于受到选题狭隘、节目形式单一以及记者自身素质等方面的影响,帮忙类电视节目普遍存在报道内容片面、重复度高、采访者角色越位等问题。因此,以安徽经视的《帮女郎帮你忙》为例,分析我国帮忙类电视节目存在的弊端及其产生的原因,提出帮忙类节目发展的突围之道,对促进帮忙类电视节目的健康发展,树立我国电视媒体的整体形象,缓解社会矛盾、推动社会进程以及构建和谐社会具有重要的价值。
关键词: 帮忙类节目;《帮女郎帮你忙》;弊端;突围之道

Analysis on the Breakthrough Ways of Help-category Programs
                ---Take Helpful Girls Help You as an Example
Abstract: In recent years, in order to satisfy the needs of constructing harmonious society and advocating people-oriented humanistic spirits, various of TV programs in China have been established such as Reports on the Public Livelihood and Helpful Girls Help You, which aim at the principle of paying attention to people’s livelihood and the purpose of serving the public. Based on the tenet of helping ordinary people solve practical problem, the help-category TV programs have been widely recognized by audience, at the same time expanding their own influence and credibility, therefore they have become the communication bridges between the masses of the people, between the masses of the people and government, meanwhile, between the masses of the people and social service departments.However, because of the narrow topics, single program forms and the personal quality of reporters, the help-category TV programs have some problems in common, such as, one-sided report contents, high duplication degree and offside of interviewer’s role. Therefore, take the program of Helpful Girls Help You in Anhui TV as an example, this paper analyzes the status and disadvantages of the help-category TV programs and put forwards some ways to eliminate these disadvantages so that these kind of programs can make a breakthrough, make a larger difference in the healthy development of the help-category TV programs, building a better overall image of Chinese TV media, relieving social contradictions so as to promote social progress and make contributions to the construction of a harmonious socialist society.
  Key Words:Help type of program;Ursula help you busy;drawbacks;Breakthrough of the Road
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、我国帮忙类电视节目的积极作用 2
(一)本土化的报道拉近媒体与受众的距离 3
(二)树立并提升媒体形象 4
(三)整合并传递社会爱心 4
二、我国帮忙类电视节目存在的弊端 5
(一)报道内容同质化现象严重 5
(二)新闻内容缺乏深度报道 5
(三)采访者角色越位 6
三、我国帮忙类电视节目存在弊端的原因 6
(一)选题狭隘导致节目内容雷同 7
(二)记者自身素质限制节目质量 7
(三)新闻报道介入不当导致媒体越位 7
四、我国帮忙类电视节目的突围之道 8
(一)明确栏目定位  精心策划选题 9
(二)提高记者自身素养与节目质量 10
(三)依理依法帮忙  谨防角色越位 10
参考文献 12,3400

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