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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

我国新闻主持人培养模式的现状+存在的问题+创新发展 摘  要:近年来,随着广播电视事业的飞速发展,新闻主持人的市场需求急剧增加,人才的培养模式也受到前所未有的关注。新闻主持人培养模式多种多样,但是已经不能满足飞速发展的广播电视事业的要求,我们需要寻求人才培养模式的创新。针对近年来我国广播电视事业对新闻主持人的专业需求,从培养模式的选择和创新入手,针对存在的教学模式僵化,理论与实践脱节,通才教育与专业化教育比例失衡等问题,以创新与发展中的三项具体措施的方式,寻找培养模式的突破口,构建适应社会需要的新闻主持人培养模式,将对我国新闻事业的发展产生一定的积极作用。

Meditine on the training mode of news anchor
Abstract:In recent years, with the development of TV broadcasting facilities, the market demand of anchor has increased dramatically, and the talents training mode has also received unprecedented attention. Although there are all kinds of ways to train anchor, it still can’t meet the requirements of the rapid development of radio and television industry, we need to make some innovations in training mode. Based on the requirements to the anchor in radio and television industry, and the problems of rigid teaching mode, the separating in theory and practice and the imbalance between liberal education and professional education, we need to start from the selecting and creating new mode to develop three concrete methods so as to make a breakthrough in training mode. Building a new anchor training mode that satisfies the needs of the society will have active effects to the development of journalism in China.
Key Words: news; anchor; training mode; study
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、我国新闻主持人培养模式的现状 2
(一)学院培养模式:方向明确 知识系统 3
(二) 非学院培养模式:形式多样 侧重实践 4
二、我国新闻主持人培养模式存在的问题 4
(一)培养模式僵化,缺乏创新 4
(二) 理论教学、科研与实践训练脱节 6
(三) 通才教育与专业化教育比例失衡 7
三、我国新闻主持人培养模式的创新与发展 8
(一)确立科学的培养思路和培养模式 8
(二) 注重理论教学、科研与实践训练相结合 9
(三)通才教育与专业化教育并重 9
参考文献 11,3398

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