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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

报纸时政新闻亲民化策略研究+亲民化途径 摘  要:在当前的中国新闻体制下,报纸时政新闻报道关系到时政信息能否被一般受众顺利接受和认同,关系到时政新闻报道的主要对象——政府部门在受众心目中的地位。具体来说,亲民化的时政新闻报道有利于增强新闻报道的可读性,有利于扩大报纸在群众中的影响,有利于政策的贯彻落实。当前报纸时政新闻报道亲民化已经是一种趋势,但其在亲民化方面还存在重视领导而轻视群众,重视工作而轻视生活和报道的语言呆板等问题。报纸在报道时政新闻时必须贴近受众,转变报道思文,适度调整报道风格,增强受众意识才能让时政新闻变得更加亲民,获得更好的社会效果。

The Research on Populist Strategy of Political News in Newspaper
Abstract: In current China news system, political news report in newspaper related to whether the political information can be generally accepted and recognized by the public, concern to the main target of political news report——government department position in the eyes of public. Specifically, the populist political news report is conducive to enhancing the readability of news reports, to expand the influence of newspaper, and conducive to implementation of the policy. Current populist is a trend of political news report in newspaper, but at the aspect of populist still have some problems as emphasis on leadership but despise the masses, emphasis on work but despise the life, report language dull, and other issues. Political news report in newspaper must be close to the public, change reports thinking, adjustment reporting style appropriately, and enhance public awareness can make political news become more close to people, to get better social effects.
Key words:  Newspaper ; Political News Report ;Populist Strategy
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、报纸时政新闻亲民化的必要性 2
(一)有利于增强时政新闻的可读性 2
(二)有利于扩大报纸在群众中的影响 3
(三)有利于政策的贯彻落实 3
二、报纸时政新闻不够亲民的表现 5
(一)报道视角注重领导漠视群众 5
(二)报道内容重视工作轻视生活 6
(三)报道语言呆板 6
三、报纸时政新闻不够亲民的原因 7
(一)官本位思文下的媒体迎合 7
(二)报道思文模式僵化单一 8
(三)受众意识淡薄 8
四、报纸时政新闻报道亲民化的主要途径 9
(一)适度调整报道定位 9
(二)转变报道思文方式 10
(三)增强受众意识 10
参考文献 12,3396

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