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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

《一站到底》电视栏目的创新点分析 摘要:目前,电视益智类节目由于缺少创新,其收视率已逐渐回落。江苏卫视《一站到底》栏目的出现,给益智类节目注入了新鲜血液。这档节目的舞台设计新颖独特、主持风格独树一帜、奖品设置合理、编播方式多样、题目设计贴近生活、节目规则不同寻常,是一档集益智与娱乐为一体的益智挑战类节目。虽然节目自开播以来取得了不俗的成绩,但在节目的宣传推广、选手选拨以及细节处理等方面还有所欠缺。这些优缺点给电视益智类节目带来了一些启示,其中包括加强节目的宣传推广、打造精致的节目品牌、实现益智性与娱乐性的统一、寓教于乐、建立健全节目的研发机制等方面。

The Innovation Points of Who's Still Standing Analysis
  Abstract:At present, the television educational program due to lack of innovation, and its audience ratings have dropped gradually. Jiangsu TV have the program Who’s Still Standing had injected fresh blood into the educational programs,this program’s stage designed novel and unique,and hosting style become an independent school, also the prize set reasonable,edit and broadcast mode diversification,subject design is close to the life,program rules different from the past.This is a fusion of educational and entertainment knowledge challenge program. Although the program has made great achievements since the launch,but in the promotion of the program,player selection, and deal with details are still lacking. These advantages and disadvantages to bring some inspiration to the TV educational program , which mainly includes to strengthen the promotion of the program,to create a sophisticated program brand,to expand the coverage of the program,to achieve the unity of the educational and entertainment,to establish and improve the program of research and development mechanism etc.
  Key Words: Who's Still Standing;Educational;Innovation
目    录

摘要 1
Abstract. 1
一、我国益智类节目的发展概况 2
二、《一站到底》栏目的创新形式 3
(一)节目形态介绍 3
(二)娱乐性与益智性的巧妙结合 4
(三)独具一格的主持特色 4
(四)新颖的舞台设计 5
(五)灵活的节目规则 5
(优)合理的奖品设置 6
(七)题目设计的贴近性 7
(八)多样的编播方式 7
三、《一站到底》栏目中存在的不足 8
(一)节目的宣传推广有所欠缺 8
(二)参赛者选拔机制亟待调整 9
(三)节目中某些细节不够完善 9
四、《一站到底》栏目对同类电视节目的启示 10
(一)加强节目创新,真正实现寓教于乐和寓乐于教 10
(二)加强节目推广,做好节目的宣传工作 11
(三)节目制作环节应更加精细,保持品牌性 11
(四)建立健全节目研发机制,做到与时俱进 11
参考文献 13,3395

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