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更新时间:2016-10-18:  来源:毕业论文

PLC硫酸生产自控设计+储存罐液位监控系统 摘要: 硫酸是一种重要的基本化工原料,广泛应用于各个工业部门。硫酸的产量被用作衡量一个国家工业发展水平标志。硫酸主要用于生产化学肥料、合成纤文、涂料、洗涤剂、制冷剂、饲料添加剂和石油的精炼、有色金属的冶炼,以及钢铁、医药和化学工业。
关键词: 硫酸;生产工艺;力控组态软件;PLC;
Sulphuric acid production automation design
Abstract:  Sulfuric acid is an important chemical raw material, widely used in various industrial sectors. The production of sulfuric acid was used as a measure of a country's industrial development level mark. Sulfuric acid is mainly used in the production of chemical fertilizer, synthetic fiber, paint, detergent, refrigerant, feed additives and oil refining, non-ferrous metal smelting, steel and iron, medicine and chemical industry.
           Along with our country nonferrous metal smelting industry, large-scale development, supporting the smelter sulphuric acid system scale is larger and larger, more and more advanced technology and equipment, metallurgical gas sulphuric acid in sulfuric acid industry in China is gradually occupied an important position. This paper mainly introduces the force control configuration software in a smelter sulphuric acid system, and briefly introduces the metallurgical sulphuric acid production process.
           The main task is to combine PLC knowledge will ForceControl monitor configuration software used in sulphuric acid production technology, the automatic control design in sulfuric acid production encounters many problems, such as the design process of ill-considered, monitoring configuration software running as expected. But in the end, through various channels to overcome the ForceControl monitor configuration software used in sulphuric acid production process.
Keywords: Sulfuric acid; production process; configuration software; PLC;
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 硫酸 1
1.1.1 硫酸简介 1
1.1.2 硫酸作用与用途 1
1.2 力控监控组态软件 3
1.2.1 力控监控组态软件概述 3
1.2.2 安装力控组态软件的系统要求 4
1.2.3 力控组态软件的版本类型 4
1.2.4 力控组态软件的基本结构 5
1.2.5 力控监控软件的特点及功能 6
1.2.6 力控ForceControl V6.0详细介绍 7
1.3 PLC 7
1.3.1 PLC发展历史 7
1.3.2 PLC基本结构 8
1.3.3 工作原理 9
1.3.4 功能特点 10
2 冶炼烟气制硫酸工艺介绍 12
2.1 烟气介绍 12
2.2 冶炼烟气制硫酸 12
2.2.1 冶炼烟气制硫酸简述 12
2.2.2 冶炼烟气制硫酸工艺流程 13
3 储存罐液位控制PLC设计 17
3.1 选用的电气控制元件和PLC 17
3.2 工作方式 17
3.3 控制系统的I / O分配及系统接线 17
3.3.1 罐液位控制系统P L C的输入/输出接口分配表,见表1.1 17
3.3.2 储存罐液位控制系统的I/O设备 18
3.4 梯形图以及指令表 18
3.4.1 梯形图 18
3.4.2 指令表 19
3.5 PLC梯形图仿真调试 20
4 储存罐液位监控系统 21
4.1 创建组态界面 21
4.2 建立动画连接 30
4.2.1 罐与阀门动画建立 30
4.2.2 按钮动作的建立 32
4.2.3 液位值动画的建立 32
4.2.4 应用程序动作程序的编写 33
4.3 运行及调试 34
5 结束语 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40,3364

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