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更新时间:2016-10-17:  来源:毕业论文

论我国电视新闻节目主持人公信力的塑造和建议   ——以《新闻1+1》节目主持人白岩松为例

摘  要:电视新闻节目主持人公信力的塑造对提升电视新闻节目的品质具有重要意义。文章在总结电视新闻节目主持人公信力要求的基础上,以《新闻1+1》节目主持人白岩松为例,从主持人发挥“意见领袖”的作用、主持技巧、社会正义感等方面对其公信力的塑造进行解析,从而对其他电视新闻节目主持人公信力的塑造提出几点建议:加强对主持人的培训,提高其对公信力的认识;注重基层实践,提高主持技巧;提高社会正义感。旨在对当今电视新闻节目主持人公信力的塑造提供参考。

On the Shape of Public Credibility of Domestic TV News Presenters —Exemplifying Yansong Bai of News 1+1
Abstract: The shape of public credibility of TV news presenters plays a significant role on the improving the quality of TV News Programs. Based on the summary of requirements to the public credibility of TVNewspresenters,exemplifying the host Yansong Bai of News 1+1,this thesis analyses the anchorman’s public credibility via exerting effect of Opinion Leader, language skills, and the social justice,and proposes the following suggestions to the shape of TV news presenters’ public credibility,including enhancing the train for anchorman, attaching importance to primary practice,improving the language skills and enhancing social justice. The target of the thesis is to offer references for shaping the public credibility of TV news presenters.
Key Words: TV news program; anchorman; public credibility;Yansong Bai
目    录
摘   要 1
Abstract. 1
一、电视新闻节目主持人公信力的概述 2
(一)公信力的内涵 2
(二)电视新闻节目主持人公信力的要求 2
二、电视新闻节目主持人白岩松公信力的解析 4
(一)充分发挥“意见领袖”的作用 4
(二)主持技巧娴熟 5
(三)社会正义感强 6
三、 对电视新闻节目主持人公信力塑造的建议 7
(一)加强培训,提高对公信力的认识 7
(二)注重基层实践,提高主持技巧 8
(三)提高社会正义感 9
参考文献 10,3361

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