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更新时间:2016-10-17:  来源:毕业论文

网络新闻评论的现状研究 摘  要:网络新闻评论作为依托于互联网的一种新型评论模式,彰显的是受众的话语权,反映出受众的思想和价值取向,逐渐成为了人们发表言论的重要形式。在网络新闻评论的发展中,出现了诸如评论员素质缺失,网民缺乏主见,内容缺乏理性,评论缺乏创新等问题,制约了网络新闻评论的发展。加强对网络新闻评论的管理,促进其在更大空间内发展,这就需要加强网络新闻评论的舆论引导功能、建立高素质的舆论评论队伍、提高评论的创新性、用技术手段对不良评论进行屏蔽及将专家评论、编辑评论、网民评论三者结合等,对网络新闻评论进行引导和管理,以构建和谐有序的网络新闻评论环境,更好的实现网络新闻评论舆论引导的功能。

Comment on the Present Situation of the Research
of Network News
Abstract: As a new comment model on the Internet, network news commentary reveals the voice, thoughts and value orientation of audience and becomes an important form of speech. In the development of the network news commentary, there appears many problems such as commentators’quality flaw, netizens’ unassertiveness, irrational contents, un-innovative commentary and so on, which restrict the development of the network news commentary. Aiming to realize a greater development space, it is necessary to strengthen the management of network news commentary. In order to guide and manage network news commentary, build a harmonious and orderly network news commentary environment, and better achieve public opinion guidance of network news commentary, it is essential to strengthen public opinion guidance of network news commentary, establish a high quality opinion review team, improve innovative comments, use technical means to block bad comments, and combine expert comments, edit comments and netizen comments.
Key Words:internet; news commentary; site management
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、网络新闻评论概述 2
(一)网络新闻评论的定义 2
(二)网络新闻评论的特点 3
二、网络新闻评论中存在的问题 5
(一)评论员素质缺失,“专家”不专 6
(二)削弱媒体“议程设置”功能 6
(三)内容缺乏理性,语言偏激暴力 7
(四)网民缺乏主见,盲目从众 8
(五)评论复制性严重,缺乏创新 8
三、网络新闻评论的管理与引导 9
(一)加大对网络新闻评论的监督力度 9
(二)建立高素质的舆论评论队伍 9
(三)增强网站评论的创新性 10
(四)建立评论奖励制度 11
(五)“专家、编辑、网民”三者评论结合,统筹全局观点 11
参考文献 14,3360

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