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更新时间:2016-10-16:  来源:毕业论文

 Based On 51 Single-Chip Temperature Acquisition Memory Design Of Highway
Abstract:  Accompanied with the development of the transportation,the highway circulation security also become more and more protruding,especially in recent years,traffic accidents occurred very common,about 363257 highway traffic accidents happened in 2011,more than 2 billion RMB lost directly.In these accidents,tyre burst caused by too highly temperature of the Pavement and pavement crack even lead to the roadbed sank nearly hold 35 percent,Though the workers have taken a lot of methods when they carried out the constructions,the new pavement always crack within a shot time.According to the research,highway roadbed temperature-field changing has put an important affect to the durable of the pavement,which means before constructing the highway and after built up,we must make deeply research to the roadbed temperature,and to know the roadbed temperature field’s vary regular pattern.
    Based on these highway diseases which happened during the time when constructing and get using of the highway,with the analytical figure supplied by the highway department,we introduce a highway temperature collect system based on the 51 single chip microcomputer makes to collect temperature .
Keywords: roadbed temperature;highway disease;temperature collector
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究背景 1
1.2 研究的目的和意义 1
1.3 国内外研究状况、问题及发展趋势 2
1.3.1 国外研究现状 2
1.3.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3.3 发展趋势 3
2 公路温度采集系统硬件电路设计 4
2.1 温度采集电路设计 4
2.1.1 温度采集模块DS18B20简介 4
2.1.2 温度采集电路结构 6
2.2 时钟电路DS1302的结构及工作原理 7
2.2.1 引脚功能及结构 7
2.2.2 DS1302的控制字节 8
2.2.3 数据输入输出(I/O) 8
2.2.4 DS1302的寄存器 8
2.2.5 DS1302与CPU的连接 9
2.3 存储器24C02 9
2.4 单片机控制电路设计 11
2.4.1 单片机芯片选择 11
2.4.2 AT89S52单片机工作基本电路设计 11
2.5 显示电路设计 12
2.5.1 LED数码显示管静态显示工作原理 12
2.5.2 显示电路结构 12
2.5.3 显示电路工作过程 13
2.6 电源电路设计 13
3 公路温度采集系统程序设计 15
3.1 主程序设计 15
3.2 子程序设计 15
3.2.1 DS18B20的通信协议 15
3.2.2 子程序 16
4 系统调试 18
4.1 系统调试 18
4.2 PROTEUS ISIS软件介绍 18
4.2.1 24C02存储模块的调试试验 18
4.2.2 DS18B20的调试 19
4.2.3 DS1302的调试 19
4.3 系统界面 20
5 结论 22
5.1 完成的工作 22
5.2 存在的不足 22
5.3 未来的发展 23
5.4 设计心得体会 23
致谢 25
参考文献 26
附录 27,3351

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