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更新时间:2016-10-16:  来源:毕业论文

浅析不发达地区农村新闻传播“知沟”问题及案例 摘  要:随着社会的发展进步,大众传播日益盛行。发达地区农村新闻传播迅速发展起来,而在不发达地区的农村,由于经济水平、文化素养等因素的制约,农村新闻传播在受众之间出现“知沟”现象。本文从周口农村新闻传播的现状出发,以周口为例分析不发达农村地区新闻传播“知沟”问题产生的多方面原因,如社会经济地位、文化教育水平、个人认知需求、媒介内容和议题差异等,探讨出规避农村新闻传播“知识鸿沟”的方法:加快农村经济发展步伐,提高农民社会经济地位;提升农民的文化水平和媒介素养;促进农村新媒体建设,加大对农新闻传播,以期促进不发达地区农村新闻传播的发展。

On Information Gap of Mews Transmission in Underdeveloped Rural Areas -- Taking Zhoukou of Henan as an example
Abstract:With the development and progress of society, mass media has become increasingly popular. In developed rural regions, news transmission developed fast, Rural Journalism developed area develops rapidly, while in less developed rural regions, there occurred “information gap” among receivers due to economic development and cultural factors. Based on the current situation of Zhoukou rural news communication, the paper analyzed the reasons for the occurrence of “information gap” in underdeveloped rural areas that included social economic status, education level, individual cognitive demand, media content and topic differences. Strategies to prevent “information gap”of news transmission in rural areas were put forward: accelerating the development of the rural economy, raising farmers' social and economic status, promoting the cultural level and the media literacy of farmers, enhancing of rural construction of the new media, increasing the dissemination of agricultural information, thus the development of news in communication underdeveloped rural areas will be made.
Key Words:rural areas; news communication; information gap

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、不发达地区农村新闻传播“知沟”现状分析 2
(一)新闻传播知识沟在不发达农村地区呈现扩大趋势 3
(二)传播媒介在不发达农村地区普及率较低 3
(三)农村同一区域内存在强弱群体之间的差异 4
二、不发达地区农村新闻传播知沟现象产生的原因分析 4
(一)从农村受众角度分析 5
(二)从传媒角度分析 7
三、弥合不发达地区农村新闻传播知沟问题的方法与策略 9
(一)提高农民社会经济地位是缩小知沟的基础 9
(二)提升农民的文化水平和媒介素养是缩小知沟的关键 9
(三)促进农村新媒体建设 10
(四)加大对农新闻传播 12
参考文献 14
附录 15,3341

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