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更新时间:2016-10-16:  来源:毕业论文

浅析迈克尔逊干涉仪实验中存在的问题 摘  要:本文首先对迈克尔逊干涉仪实验装置及实验原理进行介绍, 之后主要对大学物理实验迈克尔逊干涉仪测量激光波长的误差进行了分析, 指出影响测量精度的主要误差来源包括移动条纹过程误差和读数的误差, 由于干涉条纹的过细而产生的误差, 以及两个平面反射镜的不严格垂直而引入的误差, 并给出了详细的物理解释。本文还分析了迈克尔逊干涉仪实验中干涉条纹的调整, 计数条纹和仪器松动磨损等常见的几个问题, 并对其产生原因进行了探讨, 对提高学生的实验效率有所帮助。

Analyses the Problems Existing in the Experiment of Michelson Interferometer
Abstract: In this paper the experimental apparatus and experimental principle of Michelson interferometer were introduced firstly, and various errors in the physics experiment for measuring laser wave length by using Michelson interferometer were analyzed. It pointed out that the main error sources affected the measurement accuracy including mobile streaks process error and reading error, because of the interference fringe was meticulous, and when the two mirrors were not strictly vertical. Then, the detailed physical explanations were given. This paper analyzed some common problems in the experiment of measuring wave length with Michelson interferometer. These problems included adjustment of interference striation, counting fringe, loose and abrasion of instrument etc. This discussed the reasons for producing the problems, which is useful for improving the experiment efficiency of students.
Key words: Michelson interferometer;Laser wavelength;Interference striation;Error analysis


摘要 1
引言 1
1.迈克尔逊干涉仪装置介绍及实验原理 2
1.1迈克尔逊干涉仪装置介绍 2
1.2迈克尔逊实验原理 2
2.实验误差分析 5
3.实验操作过程中遇到的问题 5
3.1干涉条纹的调整 5
3.2在数干涉条纹过程中需要注意的问题 6
4.其他因素对实验的影响 7
4.1光源对条纹的影响 7
4.2仪器的影响 8
5.结束语 8
参考文献 8
致谢 10,3338

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