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更新时间:2016-10-13:  来源:毕业论文

手机媒体的现状及未来发展研究 摘  要:近年来,在科技飞速发展的影响下,手机媒体以其独特的优势迅速成为现代社会信息传递和信息操作的主要媒介之一,并深刻地变革人们接受和传递信息的方式。但在大环境的影响下,手机媒体在给受众带来耳目一新的感觉的同时,也逐渐表现出一些负面的影响,引起人们的一些担忧。目前所显现的诸多问题,不仅表现在垃圾信息泛滥、手机信息安全隐患,还体现在手机所固有的技术缺陷以及手机媒体盈利模式迷茫等方面,解决这些问题,需要从政府、手机运营商以及手机媒体用户自身出发,健全监管体制,坚持技术创新,为手机媒体的的发展创造一个良好的环境。从而净化手机媒体的发展市场,促进手机媒体的良性发展。

Present Situation And Future Development of Mobile Phone Media
Abstract: In recent years, under the influence of the rapid development of science and technology, mobile media with its unique advantage quickly become of one of the main medium of information transmission and information operations in modern society and profoundly change the way people receive and impart information. However, under the effect of the big environment, mobile media bring a fresh feeling to the audience, but also gradually show some negative effects at the same time, which makes people concerned. Currently, it has come to many exhibited problems, not only in the proliferation of spam and mobile information security risks, but also in mobile phone technology inherent defects , lost profit model of mobile media and so on. To solve these problems,there is need to build a sound regulatory system, adhere to technological innovation and create a good environment for the development of mobile media the with the effort of government with the effort of the mobile operators and mobile phone Media user's own departure to purify the development of mobile media market and promote the healthy development of mobile media.
Key Words: mobile phone media ;present situation; future development

目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、手机媒体概述 2
(一)手机媒体的定义 2
(二)手机媒体的特点 2
二、手机媒体的发展现状 3
(一)文字类手机媒体的发展 3
(二)视频类手机媒体的发展 4
(三)应用类手机媒体的发展 5
三、手机媒体发展中存在的问题分析 5
(一)垃圾信息的传播 5
(二)用户信息的安全性 6
(三)手机固有的技术缺陷 7
(四)盈利模式的迷茫 7
四、手机媒体的未来发展 8
(一)健全手机媒体的监管体制 8
(二)坚持手机媒体的技术创新 8
(三)开发适合手机媒体的盈利模式 9
参考文献 10,3321

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