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更新时间:2016-10-13:  来源:毕业论文

报纸网站的发展困境研究 摘 要:目前,我国报纸网站仍处于发展阶段,除少数国家重点报纸网站外,其他各类报纸网站的发展都相对缓慢。本文运用定性分析法、文献研究法、案例分析法、观察法等对报纸网站的发展困境进行综合分析。在梳理报纸网站发展脉络的基础上,指出目前我国报纸网站面临的主要问题:缺乏独立性、互动性不高、评价标准单一、资金匮乏以及运营机制不健全等,旨在探讨推动我国报纸网站发展的策略,即加强报网互动、提高受众参与性、完善评价机制、拓宽经营思路、健全运营机制。总之,报纸网站要明确自身定位,狠抓经营管理,以期有助于报纸网站走出困境,谋求长远发展。
Research on the Development Plight of the Newspaper Website
Abstract:Nowadays, our newspaper websites are still in the slow development stage, excepting a few key national newspaper websites. Using qualitative analysis, literature research, case analysis, observation and other research methods, based on combing the newspaper website development, the paper points out the main problems facing newspaper websites, lack of independence, poor interaction, single assessment standard, lack of funds and unsound operational mechanism, etc. The paper aims at exploring ways to promote the development of newspaper websites, such as enhancing the interaction between newspapers and websites, increasing the audience participation, improving the evaluation mechanism, expanding the business ideas and perfecting operation mechanism. In short, the newspaper website should clear its own position, pay close attention to management, in order to contribute to newspaper sites out of the woods, seeking long-term development.
 Key Words:newspaper website;development history;development plight;development strategy

目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、报纸网站的发展历程 2
(一)报纸网站的初步萌芽阶段(1995年10月—1997年5月) 2
(二)报纸网站的探索发展阶段(1997年6月—1999年12月) 2
(三)报纸网站的整合进步阶段(2000年至今) 3
二、报纸网站发展中遭遇的瓶颈 3
(一)缺乏独立性,过分依赖传统媒体 4
(二)互动性不高,受众意识淡薄 4
(三)片面强调点击率,评价标准单一 5
(四)多数网站盈利堪忧,资金匮乏 5
(五)延用传统媒介体制,运用机制不健全 6
三、推动报纸网站发展的策略 6
(一)加强报网互动,构建报纸网站品牌 6
(二)增强参与性,切实贯彻“受众本位”理念 7
(三)建立多元评价标准,完善评价机制 7
(四)拓宽经营思路,挖掘信息产品价值 8
(五)改善经营方式,健全运营机制 8
参考文献 10,3317

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