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更新时间:2016-10-13:  来源:毕业论文

虚数i在量子力学中的应用和意义探寻   摘  要:本文对于虚数在量子力学中的应用范围和作用进行一些探讨。首先介绍虚数在经典物理学中的应用实例,总结出它在其中的意义。然后介绍虚数在量子力学中的应用,比较异同,对虚数i的作用和意义进行讨论。再经过证明,确定虚数在量子力学中的数学意义,并对其实际代表的物理意义进行探讨。发现虚数i虽然在数学本质上没有实际意义,但与量子力学有着相互协调的物理意义,所以把虚数i引入量子力学是非常有必要的。

The Application of the Imaginary i in Quantum Mechanics
Abstract: This paper mainly discusses the application of the imaginary in quantum mechanics and its function. Firstly, the paper will give a brief introduction to the application of imaginary in classical physics, from which the significance was summarized. Secondly, the paper will focus on the use of imaginary i in quantum mechanics, and compare the difference of the use between classical physics and quantum mechanics, moreover this paper discuss its effect and significance. And then make sure the mathematical significance of imaginary i in quantum mechanics through derivation, and give a research to its physical meaning. Although the imaginary i is meaningless in the the nature of mathematics, it has a harmonious relation with the quantum mechanics. So it is necessary for people to apply imaginary i to quantum mechanics.
Key Words: Quantum mechanics; Imaginary i; Classical physics   

目    录

摘要 1
引言 1
1.虚数在经典物理学中的应用及意义 2
2.虚数在量子力学中的应用 3
2.1虚数i引入波函数 3
2.2虚数i引入薛定谔方程 5
3.虚数在量子力学中的意义探寻 6
3.1Clifford代数 6
3.2径Schrödinger方程到Pauli方程 8
4.结论 9
参考文献 9
致谢 11,3316

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