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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

沉默的螺旋假说在互联网环境下的实证研究及案例分析 摘  要:进入网络时代,“沉默的螺旋”理论依然起作用,但其在网络空间的具体表现发生了变化。本文运用案例分析法和文献研究法,以“钓鱼岛事件”为研究案例,阐述“沉默的螺旋”理论在网络空间的表现,具体体现为有关议题的不同声音立体化传播、主流声音强化强势意见、网络舆论从虚拟世界延伸到现实世界。进而论述这一理论的表现形式发生变化的原因,旨在探讨应对网络空间的“沉默的螺旋”现象的策略,可以从完善法律法规、加强传统媒体与网络媒体互动、促使网民正确使用媒介接近权等三个方面着力,以减少“沉默的螺旋”产生的不良影响。

Research on Performance of “the Spiral of Silence” in Cyberspace
            ——Take “the Diaoyu Island Incident” for an Example
Abstract:In the Internet Age, “the spiral of silence” theory still works, however, its performance has already changed. Using literature research and case analysis, taking “the Diaoyu Island Incident” for an example, this paper elaborates the performance of the theory of “the spiral of silence” in cyberspace, which embodies that different voices on a subject spreading through three-dimension propagation, the mainstream strengthening strong opinion, and network opinion extending from the virtual world to the real world .Then it discusses the reasons for the change of this theory, aims to investigate out effective measures to the phenomena of “the spiral of silence” in cyberspace to reduce its adverse impact, such as improving the laws and regulations, to create the free market with a variety of voices; strengthen the interaction between traditional media and online media, and promoting the netizen’s proper use of the right of access to mass media.
 Key Words:“the spiral of silence”;“the Diaoyu Island Incident”;cyberspace;network opinion
目    录
摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、“沉默的螺旋”在网络空间的表现形式 2
(一)有关议题的不同声音立体化传播 2
(二)主流声音强化强势意见 3
(三)网络舆论从虚拟世界延伸到现实世界 3
二、网络空间中驱使“沉默的螺旋”变化的因素 4
(一)传统媒体占主导地位,但传播主体泛化 5
(二)网民自主性增强,但害怕孤立心理依然存在 5
(三)信息载体更加多样化,但不能实现网络真正的平等 6
(四)传播内容更加丰富,但关注焦点仍然凸显 6
(五)网络意见领袖影响显著 7
三、应对网络空间“沉默的螺旋”效应的策略 7
(一)完善法律法规,打造多种声音的自由市场 7
(二)强化网络媒体与传统媒体的互动 8
(三)网民正确使用媒介接近权 9
参考文献 10,3303

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