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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

    摘  要:2012年“日本国有化钓鱼岛”事件,激起了中国人民的强烈愤慨,网络民粹主义也在这一事件中不断激化,网络民粹主义对于激发爱国情绪有积极的影响,但是也产生了一些偏激、不理智的社会行为。本文主要针对“日本国有化钓鱼岛”事件,以民粹主义为理论基础,分析了当前网络中民粹主义所表现出来的狂热的民族主义倾向。针对这种倾向,具体剖析“日本国有化钓鱼岛”事件,发现在此事件中表现出来的民粹主义,主要有过激、阴谋论和从众这三种类型,通过探讨得出民粹主义有团结民众、监督政府等积极影响,但也有可能形成非理性的、偏激的行为和言论等消极影响。同时,通过本文研究旨在找出使民粹主义与现实社会相融合的办法,发挥民粹主义的积极影响,减少不利影响等的途径。
The study of populism in network media----taking the event
that “Japanese nationalization of Diaoyu island”as an example
  Abstract:The event that “Japanese nationalization ofDiaoyu island” in 2012 has around strong indignation among the Chinese people,and populism in the network is also intrnsified in this event.The network populism had a positive impact for inspiriotism,but also produced some extreme,irrational social behavior.This paper is based on the thedency of populism for this event ,and analyzes the tendency of fanatical nationalist which demonstrated in the current network populist.For this tendency ,in the process of the specific analysis of this event,we found populism that demonstrated in this event.The populism mainly includes three types:excess,conspiracy and conformity.By exploring populism,we come to a conclusion that it has positive effect in unting people and monitoring the government,however,it may has some negative effcts: non-rational,extreme behavior and words.Meanwhile,this paper aims to identify the way to make a combination of the populism and the society,and play the positive impact of populism,so as to reduce adverse sffects.
 Key words: network media; populism; Japanese nationalization of Diaoyu island;
目    录
摘  要 1
Abstract. 1
一、日本“国有化”钓鱼岛事件概述 2
(一)钓鱼岛问题的由来 2
(二)日本右翼势力提出钓鱼岛“国有化” 3
(三)钓鱼岛事件的进展 3
二、网络媒介的民粹主义 4
(一)民粹主义的含义 4
(二)网络民粹主义的构成及表现 5
(三)网络民粹主义的社会基础 6
三、“日本国有化钓鱼岛”事件中民粹主义分析 7
(一)过激型 7
(二)阴谋论型 7
(三)从众型 8
四、网络媒介的民粹主义的社会影响 8
(一)网络民粹主义的积极影响 8
(二)网络民粹主义的消极影响 9
 结语 10
参考文献 12,3301

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