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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文


摘 要:新闻敏感是新闻从业者必须具备的职业素养,是发现新闻,挖掘新闻的重要条件。随着21世纪网络的飞速发展,新闻从业者的新闻敏感在新的环境中表现出了新闻线索来源多渠道,容易催生深度报道,新闻线索公开化共享化的新特点,但同时也面临着真实性难以核对,新闻敏感价值取向扭曲,独家新闻渐少,过分依赖网络,易受受众负面情绪干扰等新的挑战。本文对此做出了一些思考,认为要在网络环境下培养新闻从业者的新闻敏感,应该在树立正确的政治大局观的前提下,增强社会责任感,不辞辛苦地深入一线,创新思文,另辟奇径,加强职业道德素养,这样才能使新闻敏感尽可能的适应网络时代的新环境。

A Brief Analysis of News sensitivity in the Network Environment
Abstract: News sensitivity is essential professionalism of news practitioners and an important prerequisite of news discovery and news mining. With the rapid development of network, news sensitivity has a new feature in the new environment; these features include multi-channel sources of news tips, depth reports easily born, disclosure of the news clue and so on. Meanwhile, news sensitivity of the new era is also facing challenges that come from difficulty to verify the authenticity of the news, distortion of the news values, reduction in exclusive news, excessive reliance on the network and vulnerability to negative emotions. The paper argues that, under the network environment to cultivate news sensitivity, it should establish a correct premise of the bigger picture, enhance social responsibility to the front line, think innovatively, make another way to strengthen professional ethics, in order to make news sensitivity as much as possible to adapt to the new environment in the internet age.
Key Words:network environment; news practitioner; news sensitivity
目    录
摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、新闻敏感的相关理论 2
(一)新闻敏感的内涵 2
(二)新闻敏感的重要性 2
二、新闻敏感在网络环境下的表现特点 3
(一)新闻线索来源多渠道 3
(二)容易催生深度报道 4
(三)新闻线索公开化共享化 4
三、新闻敏感在网络环境下遭遇的挑战 5
(一)新闻真实性难以核对 5
(二)新闻敏感价值取向扭曲 6
(三)独家新闻渐少 6
(四)寻找新闻线索过分依赖网络 7
(五)容易受到受众负面情绪干扰 7
四、网络环境下如何培养新闻从业者的新闻敏感 8
(一)树立政治大局观 8
(二)增强社会责任感 8
(三)创新思文,另辟奇径 9
(四)深入一线,加强实践 9
(五)加强职业道德素养 9
参考文献 11,3300

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