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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文


摘  要:我国电视新闻评论的发展,经历了一个从需要依附于其他的新闻信息和新闻媒介,到逐步探索出一条符合我国新闻传播规律且具有中国特色的电视新闻评论之路。在其发展过程中,出现的一些问题如报道题材边缘化,社会功能定位不明确,选题的偏狭性等制约着电视新闻评论的发展。这些问题的存在与媒体为了逐利失去自我、电视台自身机制都有很大的关系,其中还有一个重要因素:政治体制上的结构性制约,也给电视新闻评论的发展带来了深刻的影响。面对这样的挑战,电视新闻评论应当明确报道题材,积极履行舆论引导和舆论监督的职能,准确发挥其社会功能,提高主持人的主观能动性,端正立场和态度,以促进我国电视新闻评论更好地发展,为受众提供更好的服务。

Study on the Current Situation of Chinese TV News Commentary
Abstract: The development of Chinese TV news commentary, experienced a from needs to be attached to other news information and news media, to gradually find a conforms to our country news propagation law and with Chinese characteristics road to TV news comment. Some of the problems in the process of its development, such as stories marginalized, social function positioning unclear, expatiates the insularity and restricts the development of TV news comments. The presence of these problems and lose yourself in order to profit, television media mechanism has a lot to do, there is an important factor: political system caused by the structural constraints, also to the development of TV news comments brought profound effect. Comments should be clear in the face of such challenges TV news topics, actively implement the functions of public opinion guidance and the supervision by public opinion, accurate exert its social function, increase the host's subjective initiative, the position and attitude, in order to promote the development of China's TV news comment, and provide better service for the audience.
Key Words: television news commentary; restricting factors;corrective actions
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、我国电视新闻评论节目的现存问题分析 2
(一)题材的边缘化 2
(二)社会功能的偏颇 3
(三)评论选题的偏狭 4
(四)主持人机械化 5
二、我国电视新闻评论节目发展的制约因素 5
(一)商业利益的驱使 5
(二)管理体制的制约性 6
(三)运作机制的限制性 6
(四)电视画面的易逝性 7
三、针对我国电视新闻评论节目现存问题的整改措施 7
(一)明确报道题材 7
(二)发挥舆论监督引导作用 8
(三)全方位多角度选题 8
(四)发挥主持人品牌效应 9
参考文献 11,3299

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