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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文


摘  要:近年来,媒体对灾难性事件的关注越来越多,视角也越来越开阔,各种媒体从不同的视角报道灾难性新闻。在这个经济社会飞速发展的时代,政府对媒体报道视角的开放,使得这些报道中存在着事件报道失实、片面追求惨烈效果、不顾采访对象心理、忽视社会效益和舆论监督等问题。这些报道视角的偏差,给社会造成了严重的负面影响。本文通过对我国灾难性新闻报道视角的历史,发展过程,进行研究,以便使以后的灾难性报道日趋更加完善和合理,从而引导我国灾难性报道视角的正确发展方向。

An Analysis on the Media Perspective of the Catastrophic News
Abstract:In recent years, the media focus more and more on catastrophic events from the more open perspectives. Different media report catastrophic events from different perspectives. In the era of rapid economic and social development, the government’s open attitude to the media perspective lead to the problems like inaccurate report, pursuing tragic effect, ignoring the psychology of the interviewee, paying no attention to the social benefits and the supervision by the public in the media report. The deviation of these reports has caused serious negative influence to the society. Through the study of the history of catastrophic news reports, development process in China, this paper tries to perfect and rationalize the future report of catastrophic events so as to ensure the report of catastrophic events in the right direction. 
Key words:media;catastrophic news;report;perspective
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、灾难性新闻的媒体报道视角的发展历程 2
(一)灾难不是新闻,赈灾才是新闻 2
(二)先是灾难本身,后是军民抗灾 3
(三)立足新闻本位,多视角报道新闻 4
二、灾难性新闻媒体报道视角出现的问题 5
(一)媒体对于灾难性新闻的预警机制的薄弱 5
(二)媒体的报道重心存在偏差 6
(三)媒体报道的功利化倾向严重 7
三、改善灾难性新闻媒体报道视角的方法 8
(一)加强媒体对灾难性事件的敏感性 8
(二)重视灾难性新闻信息内容本身的报道 9
(三)关注灾难中生命个体的心理状态 10
参考文献 11,3297

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