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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

微博时代突发事件报纸的应对策略 摘  要:突发事件的突发性、影响力和冲突性赋予其极高的新闻价值。因此,媒体无不把重大突发事件的新闻报道看作是展示自身综合实力和提升竞争力的绝佳机遇。在突发事件的信息传播过程中,微博凭借对事件信息的发布、追踪、诘问表现而一鸣惊人,显现了它极大的优势。相比之下,传统媒体报纸,却因信息渠道狭窄、版面容量有限、新闻报道滞后等陷入传播效果日益削弱的困境中,本论文采用文献整理和案例分析法,结合报纸自身优势,提出设立突发事件的紧急应对机制、借新媒体拓展信息搜集方式、善用采访权、开展报纸与新媒体的平台融合等应对策略,希望帮助报纸在微博时代的应对突发事件中,实现更好的报道与传播。

The Coping Strategies of Newspaper on Emergencies in Microbloging Era
Abstract: The high quality of news report depends on the abruptness, influence and collision of emergencies. Therefore, the media treat it as an excellent chance to show their comprehensive strength and improve the competitive ability to report the important role emergencies. Micro-blog plays an important role in the information of emergencies by means of the information of the information’s release, trace and question. Compared to this, the traditional medium, newspaper is stuck in the difficulty of gradual decline of the transmission effect because of the narrow information source, limited edition space and the lag-behind news report. Adopting to the mechanism in response to news eventualities with the advantage of the newspaper, the mechanism in response to news eventualities include to widen the information source from new media, to make good use of interview right and to cooperate with the new media, with hope that it would be helpful to make better reporting and high-quality transmission in the micro-blog to deal with the emergencies for newspaper.  
Keywords: microblog era; emergencies; newspaper; scoping strategies
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一 、微博时代突发事件概况 2
(一)突发事件的定义及特点 2
(二)突发事件的报道原则 2
(三)微博时代突发事件的传播现状 3
二、微博时代突发事件报纸报道的困境 4
(一)信息渠道狭窄 4
(二)版面容量有限 4
(三)新闻报道滞后 5
(四)传播效果日益削弱 6
三、 微博时代突发事件报纸的应对策略 6
(一)设立突发事件的紧急应对机制 7
(二)利用新媒体,拓展信息搜集方式 7
(三)善用采访权,提升报纸竞争力 8
(四)开设专题报道,挖掘新闻深度 9
(五)开展报纸与新媒体的平台融合 10
参考文献 12,3282

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