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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

    摘  要:近年来,社会中频发的突发事件越来越广泛的影响着人们的生活。突发性、影响力以及强烈的冲突性使突发事件成为了媒介争相报道的宠儿。与此同时,互联网时代呼唤着媒介应对突发事件需进行有序的联动。本文综合运用文献研究法和案例分析法,反思总结媒介以往应对突发事件的典型案例,分析了媒介联动应对突发事件的原则,并在此基础上提出建立应急预警机制、联动共享地收集信息、交互传播渠道等策略,希望能给传媒实践提供一些有益的参考。

The Research on the Strategy of Media Linkage in Emergencies
    Abstract: In recent years, with the popularity of the Internet, social emergencies increase broad impact on people's lives. Due to its great influence and highly conflict-involvement, emergencies become the focus of the media coverage. At the same time, the age of the Internet calls for the media to respond to emergencies with ordered linkage. Through integrated use of literature research and case analysis, this paper summarizes the medium experience which is used in coping with the typical cases of emergency, analyzing the principles of linkage to cope with emergencies, and putting forward principles and strategies of establishing emergent warning system, collecting and sharing information, exchanging communicative channels, and so on. The author hopes to provide some useful reference to communicative practice.
    Key words: emergencies; media linkage; strategy
目   录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、突发事件的定义和特征 2
(一)突发事件的定义 2
(二)突发事件的特征 2
二、媒介联动应对突发事件的原则 3
(一)重视联动报道的及时性 3
(二)确保联动报道的真实性 4
(三)深化联动报道的互动性 4
(四)彰显联动报道的人文性 5
三、突发事件中媒介联动的策略研究 6
(一)建立媒介联动的应急预警机制 6
(二)信息收集阶段做到联动、共享 7
(三)交互传播渠道,立体覆盖受众群 8
(四)全方位及时交流受众反馈信息 9
参考文献 11,3280

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