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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

网络新闻生产中的受众意识探析 摘  要:在激烈的媒介竞争环境下,网络新闻必须从新闻生产过程入手,充分了解并且重视受众需求,获得广泛而稳定的受众群体才是发展的根本。本文采用文献研究法、案例分析法等研究方法,首先明确了网络新闻生产中突出受众意识在掌握传播主动权、营造和谐传受互动氛围以及构建品牌媒介等方面的重要意义,进一步提出了网络新闻生产中重视受众意识的表现,并指出过度重视受众可能会带来虚假信息泛滥、三俗化倾向和盲目跟风等问题,旨在积极探索完善网络新闻生产中受众意识的措施,可以从强化专业技能、发挥受众能动性以及不断完善网络新闻法规等多方面共同努力。

Analysis of Audience Consciousness in Network News Production
Abstract:In the fierce media competition environment, the network news must, starting from the news production process, fully understand and attach importance to audience demand to win broad and stable audience, the fundamentality  of development. Adopting literature research method, case analysis method, etc, first of all, This paper clears significance of audience consciousness in network news production, such as mastering communication initiative, creating a harmonious atmosphere and building brand media, further puts forward the  performance in the news production, and points out that excessive attention to audience might lead to the flood of false information, the three secularization tendency and blindly following the trend and other problem. The paper aims to  explore measures to improve the network audience awareness in news production, including strengthening professional skills, playing audience initiative, constantly perfecting the network news laws and regulations, and so on.
Key Words:network news; network news production; audience consciousness
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、网络新闻生产中突出受众意识的重要性 2
(一)便于掌握新闻传播的主动权 2
(二)便于营造和谐的传受互动氛围 2
(三)便于构建媒介品牌 3
二、网络新闻生产中的受众意识的表现 3
(一)取源社会热点,报道灵活全面 4
(二)内容丰富多样,传播迅速有效 4
(三)反馈方便快捷,利于循环传播 5
三、网络新闻生产中过于重视受众出现的问题 5
(一)“把关”不严,虚假信息泛滥 5
(二)过于迎合受众,三俗倾向严重 6
(三)盲目追随受众,缺乏完整负责的报道 6
四、完善网络新闻生产中受众意识的途径 7
   (一)强化专业技能,提高职业道德 7
(二)发挥受众能动性,履行其社会监督控制的权利 8
(三)完善相关的网络法规,规范网络新闻生产过程 8
参考文献 10,3279

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