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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

媒体联动报道的策划论文+表现形式+问题策略 摘  要:在媒体竞争日益激烈的今天,越来越多的媒体正在意识到合作的重要性,为开拓新闻资源,凝聚传播合力,大众媒体逐渐走上了合作化与一体化的运作道路,媒体联动报道即方式之一,正越来越多的被各种类型的媒体所重视和采用。本文结合媒体联动报道的策划实践活动,从媒体联动报道的产生原因、运作形式、问题表现、解决策略和发展趋势几方面对媒体联动报道进行研究和探索,希望能够为媒体联动报道的理论和实践研究提供参考,促使媒体联动报道更加科学化、合理化的发展。
关键词:媒体联动;策划;问题;策略; 趋势

Analysis on Planning of Media Linkage Report
Abstract: With the increasingly intensive competition among medias today, more and more medias come to realize the importance of cooperative competition, in order to explore news resources and cohere with the force of spread, the mass media have stepped into the operating way of collectivization and integration, one of which is just the media linkage report valued and adopted by various types of media increasingly. Combining with the planning practical activities of the media linkage report, this paper studies and explores the media linkage report in several aspects including the cause, operating form, manifestation of problems, solving strategy, and development tendency, hoping to provide some reference for the research of theory and practice on media linkage report, so as to promote it to develop more scientifically and reasonably.
Key Words: Media linkage; planning; problem; strategy; tendency
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、媒体联动报道的概述 2
(一)媒体联动报道的含义 2
(二)媒体联动报道产生的原因 2
二、媒体联动报道的主要表现形式 3
(一)同质媒体之间的联动 3
(二)异质媒体之间的联动 4
三、当前媒体联动报道策划中出现的问题 5
(一)媒体主动性降低,独立思考能力下降 5
(二)新闻抄袭现象严重,新闻趋同性明显 5
(三)议程设置过度化,拟态环境失衡 6
四、媒体联动报道策划的改进策略 6
(一)建立良好的联动督促机制 6
(二)打造联动报道的差异化、风格化 7
(三)重视联动报道的选题质量 8
(四)把握频率、避免滥造焦点 8
五、媒体联动报道策划的发展趋势 9
(一)整合联动媒体优势,深度开发联动内容 9
(二)媒体联动需向深层次的媒体融合发展 9
参考文献 11,3276

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