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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

校园网信息安全及防范策略+发展趋势+管理措施   摘  要:随着计算机技术、网络技术的飞速发展,网络用户不断增长,校园网信息安全问题已经成为校园网络管理中面临的重大问题。本文首先对网络信息安全威胁进行了详细论述,接着系统地介绍网络安全技术,并通过研究安全技术提出了具体的防范措施,最后提出了未来校园网的发展趋势。本文主要创新之处在于根据校园网的诸多安全威胁,提出了相应的防范策略和技术,重点是从技术措施和管理措施两个方面为实现较为安全的数字化校园网网络提供了有力支持。

Campus Network Information Security and Guard
    Abstract: With the rapid development of computer technology, network technology, the Internet users is growing, and the campus network security has become the major issues facing the campus network management. The paper first on the network information security threats are discussed in detail, followed by a systematic introduction to network security technology, and specific preventive measures and through the study of security technology, and concludes with the development trend of the future campus network. The main innovation of this paper is that many of the campus network security threats, prevention strategies and technologies, the focus is to provide a strong support from the technical measures and management measures two aspects for the realization of a more secure digital campus network.
    Key Words: Campus Network; Information Security; Preventive Measures
目    录

摘  要 1
关键词 1
1绪论 1
1.1历史背景 1
1.2研究意义 2
2校园网安全威胁的现状分析 2
2.1操作系统的漏洞 2
2.2计算机病毒的侵害 2
2.3黑客的攻击 3
2.4保密意识淡薄 3
2.5网络设备的损坏 3
2.6非正常途径的访问 3
2.7不良信息的传播 3
2.8盗版资源的泛滥 4
2.9网络的经费投入不足 4
3保障校园网安全的关键技术 4
3.1防火墙技术 4
3.2入侵检测系统 5
3.3漏洞扫描系统 5
3.4网络版杀毒软件 5
3.5IPS入侵防御系统 6
4校园网信息安全的防范策略 6
4.1物理安全 6
4.2访问控制策略 6
4.3信息加密策略 7
4.4备份和镜像技术 7
4.5防病毒技术 7
4.6安全监控 7
5创建校园网信息安全的管理措施 8
5.1培养高素质的安全运行文护队伍 8
5.2制定完善安全管理规章制度 8
5.3利用安全教育加强校园网安全意识 8
5.4构建良好的校园文化氛围 8
6未来校园网的发展趋势 8
总 结 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3260

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