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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要: 新媒体时代,信息技术的广泛使用和读者信息需求的转变使得传统报业的运作模式被动。发行量、广告量不断下降,甚至有专家提前为报纸判了“死刑”,提出了“报纸消亡论”。在此背景下,各大纸媒纷纷寻求改革,从而也推动了报纸编辑的角色转型。报纸编辑正由原来的把关人、内部资源整合者、单一媒体编辑向引路人、媒介资源整合专家、全媒体编辑等角色转型。而在转型过程中,新闻真实性、新闻品质以及一专多能的专业素质开发等问题也是报纸编辑需要注意的地方。

An Analysis of the Role Transformation of Newspaper Editor in the New Media Era
Abstract: The wide application of information technology and the shift of reader’s information requirements in new media era have caused traditional press industry to be so passive that some experts say the traditional newspaper has come to an end, and even some presents the idea of “fading away newspaper” in advance with the decrease of distribution and advertisement amount. Under this condition, all kinds of paper media have been reforming successively, which promotes the role transformation of newspaper editor. The newspaper editor in traditional press media has been changing the role from gate-keeper, integrator of internal resource, and editor of monomedia to leader, media resources integration expert and editor of omnimedia, etc. However, during transformation process, newspaper editor needs to pay attention to news authenticity, news quality, and professional quality development of mastering many skills while specializing in one.
Key words: New media; Newspaper editor; Role; Transformation
目    录
摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、新媒体时代报纸编辑角色转型的原因 2
(一)新媒体的迅速发展壮大使报纸编辑面临严峻挑战 2
(二)信息技术的广泛使用改变了报纸编辑的工作环境 2
(三)读者信息需求的变化推动了报纸编辑角色的转型 3
二、新媒体时代报纸编辑角色转型方向 3
(一)从新闻把关人向信息引路人转型 4
(二)从文字图片编辑向新闻策划师转型 4
(三)从信息发布者向读者引导者转型 6
(四)从内部资源整合者向媒介资源整合专家转型 7
(五)从单一媒体编辑向全媒体编辑转型 8
三、报纸编辑角色转型中应注意的问题 9
(一)新闻策划不是策划新闻,应注重新闻真实性原则 9
(二)重视读者不是迎合读者,应全面把握新闻品质 10
(三)拒绝全而不专,培养一专多能的专业素质 11
参考文献 13,3242

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