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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

从中国高速公路广播的开播看广播媒体的发展出路 摘  要:在融媒时代,媒体竞争如此激烈的情况下,广播媒体虽具有一定的优势及地位,但电视等媒体的迅猛发展已经使广播的阵地不断被蚕食,第四媒体——因特网又向所有的传统媒介(报纸、广播、电视)发起了冲击。这种雪上加霜的形势,使当今的广播与本世纪上半叶的辉煌时代不可同日而语。本文就中国高速公路广播的开播及其特征进行研究,分析其所具有的优势,探索广播媒体今后的发展出路,为广播媒体的进一步发展建言献策。

Analyzing the Development of Broadcast Media from the Start of China’s Expressway Broadcast
Abstract:In the era of media convergence, media competition is getting tougher. Although broadcast media has certain advantages and prominence, the rapid development of television and other media has made areas of the broadcast media nibbled away. And also the fourth media -- Internet is challenging the traditional media including newspapers, radios, and televisions. Under the worse condition, the situation of today’s broadcast and the glorious scene of the first half of the century are not to be mentioned in the same breath. This paper which is based on the start of China’s expressway broadcast and its characteristics analyzes the advantages of broadcast media, explores the development of broadcast media in the future. And some suggestions will be given in order to promote the better development of the broadcast media.
Key Words:Broadcast media;China’s expressway broadcast;Development way;Channel specialization  
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、广播媒体发展面临的新要求——中国高速公路广播的出现 2
(一)传统广播媒体面临发展的瓶颈 2
(二)广播媒体发展的有益探索——中国高速公路广播的诞生 4
二、广播媒体发展的新突破——中国高速公路广播的优势 5
(一)受众定位明确 6
(二)融入先进技术 6
(三)收听范围更广 6
(四)听众互动增多 7
三、广播媒体发展的新出路 7
(一)专业化频道定位 6
(二)加强现代传播技术的综合运用 8
(三)加强受众心理研究,开拓新的受众群 8
(四)互动模式创新 9
参考文献 11,3241

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